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  For Immediate Release  
  Contact: Phil Bloomer  
  Phone: (217) 403-4690  
February 21, 2008
Rep. Johnson’s appeal letter to FEMA’s Region V director and the President

Feb. 21, 2008

The Honorable George W. Bush
The President
The White House
Washington, D.C.


Edward Buikema
Regional Administrator
FEMA Regon V
536 South Clark, 6th Floor
Chicago, IL 60605

Dear Mr. President,

 I write in strong support of the State of Illinois request for federal disaster assistance for the counties of Iroquois and Livingston due to devastating floods occurring Jan. 7 and 8, 2008. This request has been denied once and on appeal, crews from FEMA, IEMA and local jurisdictions reevaluated affected areas again over the last few days.

 Mr. President, I and all of my constituents in these counties believe federal aid was justified upon the first review, even though the information concerning the extent of the damage was incomplete at the time. The second review makes our case beyond compelling; it makes it imperative.

 The numbers included in the new assessment speak for themselves. As you can see, the number of damaged locations doubled over the first review. These are not affluent areas. In Watseka alone, fully half the school population qualifies for the free or reduced lunch program. Most of people affected do not have the means to rebuild. Because they were not in floodplains, most did not have flood insurance, further adding to their troubles.

 Nearly six weeks after the flood, phone service has not been completely restored. Students have not returned to school. Businesses have not reopened. Homes are beyond repair or uninhabitable. Local officials and first-responders have been stretched to the limits of endurance, not to mention patience with the federal government they have looked to for help.

 This is not a disaster on the scale of Katrina. Yet it is every bit as devastating to the already fragile lives of the elderly, the parents and the children who have been rendered homeless and more destitute because of a natural disaster they in no way could have prepared for or defended against.

 This incident is of a severity beyond the capability of local or state government to remedy. Federal help is required to fill the gap. I specifically request Individual Assistance to include the Individuals & Households Program and Small Business Administration disaster loans for Iroquois and Livingston counties. I am also requesting Hazard Mitigation Assistance and Public Assistance and Disaster Unemployment Assistance where appropriate. 

 Speed is of the utmost importance in this matter. Please take whatever measures are necessary to expedite this assistance.


Timothy V. Johnson
Member of Congress



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