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  For Immediate Release  
  Contact: Phil Bloomer  
  Phone: (217) 403-4690  
July 26, 2007

Washington, D.C. -  U.S. Rep. Timothy V. Johnson issued the following statement today upon passage of the Farm, Nutrition and Bioenergy Act of 2007. The legislation passed the House of Representatives on a vote of 231-191 and now proceeds to the Senate for action.

     Rep. Johnson, a member of the Agriculture Committee, voted in favor of the legislation.

     “This legislation is the result of months of thoughtful deliberation and consultation with the broad range of citizens and interest groups affected by these policies. It does not contain everything I wanted, or that the agriculture community wanted, but on balance, the bill moves us forward and will have a positive impact on our productivity, competitiveness and energy independence for years to come.

     “Of critical importance to the 15th Congressional District, one of the most productive agricultural districts in the country, this legislation upholds a strong safety net for our farmers. Farmers will continue to receive direct payments. Target prices and loan rates were increased for some crops (the target price of soybeans received a 30 percent increase over current levels.) Further, farmers now will have the chance to choose between traditional price protection and new market-oriented revenue coverage payments.

     “The legislation also initiates reforms in subsidies to achieve substantial savings. Farmers who make more than $1 million in annual adjusted gross income would not be allowed to collect farm program payments.

     “This bill also extends and makes significant new investments in popular conservation programs, including the Conservation Reserve Program, Wetlands Reserve Program, Environmental Quality Incentive Program and many others.

     “Key components of the bill continue investment in rural communities, in school nutrition programs, in reforming and strengthening the food stamp program. I’m particularly enthused about a 600 percent increase in investment in renewable fuels. This is a historic investment that will not only help farmers and agricultural economies, but further the cause of energy independence.

     “In the end, this is not perfect legislation, but it is progress, and I stand behind it.”




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