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  For Immediate Release  
  Contact: Phil Bloomer  
  Phone: (217) 403-4690  
February 9, 2007
Rep. Johnson Says Fuel Bill Fuels Independence

Washington, D.C. -  U.S. Rep. Timothy V. Johnson today praised passage of legislation intended to promote the use of domestically produced fuels.

   The Advanced Fuels Infrastructure Research and Development Act directs the Environmental Protection Agency to work with the Department of Energy and the National Institute of Standards and Technology to research and develop new technologies and standards that will allow the efficient and safe use of alternative fuels such as E85 and some biofuel blends.

   “I am pleased we were able to pass legislation that takes bold steps toward ensuring that renewable fuels such as E85, which can be made from our corn in the 15th Congressional District, are able to be quickly and widely used to help break our crippling addiction to foreign oil,” Rep. Johnson said.

   The bill is primarily intended to address problems that arise when some renewable fuels are used with the existing petroleum-based infrastructure in place at local gas stations and in pipelines. By identifying new methods and technologies, such as special fuel additives, Johnson said, we avoid the otherwise extravagant costs of infrastructure replacement.

   “To really make these fuels useable by the driving public, the technology has to be full-proof. It’s not that hard to do,” Rep. Johnson said. “But we need the standards in place to ensure the fuels’ compatibility with infrastructure and this bill does that. I am pleased to say I was a cosponsor of a nearly identical measure last year as well. Now perhaps we can move on for the good of our country and the good of the 15th Congressional District.”



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