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  For Immediate Release  
  Contact: Matt Bisbee  
  Phone: (217) 403-4690 / (217) 649-1754  
April 16, 2004
U.S. Rep. Tim Johnson Educates Seniors On New Medicare Prescription Drug Programs

Hundreds of residents participate in Medicare Information Briefings in four 15th District Communities


Champaign, ILDuring a two-day period of the Congressional Easter Recess, U.S. Rep. Tim Johnson (IL-15) hosted four seminars designed to educate and inform seniors about the new Medicare Prescription Drug programs.  Rep. Johnson says hundreds of constituents from communities all around his 15th District participated in the Medicare Information Briefings and were able to leave with a better understanding of the new Medicare law and more specifically the prescription drug discount card program that begins in June. 

“The new prescription benefits are the most significant changes ever made to Medicare in its nearly 40 year history,” said Rep. Johnson.  “I have promised all along that I would support prescription drug coverage for seniors, and I have done that.  Many people have questions about the sweeping changes, and I hope our Briefings provided answers.  For those who were unable to attend and still need additional information about the new Medicare provisions, I invite you to contact my office or visit www.medicare.gov.”

Joining Rep. Johnson at the four Briefings was a panel of experts who are critical to the implementation and success of the new Medicare programs.  Jackie Garner, Region 5 Director for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, provided detailed information about the prescription drug discount cards.  Tracey Moorhead from the Health Care Leadership Council in Washington was on hand to address the new Medicare Part D program that begins in 2006.  Kelly Dehlenger and Mary Ann Burge both from the Illinois Senior Health Insurance Program made available their counseling services and assured attendees that they can continue receiving state sponsored prescription coverage.  Finally, Ed Kaleta, Chairman of the Employers Coalition on Medicare, explained that the new law provides incentives to employers to continue providing health coverage to retirees.

The Medicare Information Briefings took place on April 13th and 14th in communities throughout the 15th District.  Seniors joined Rep. Johnson and the panel of experts in Mt. Carmel, Mattoon, Urbana, and Bloomington.  Participants listened as Congressman Johnson and each of the panelists gave introductory remarks.  Each session included an intensive question and answer segment where constituents were able to satisfy their specific questions, and they could also consult with experts on individual problems.


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