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gearing up for the staff christmas party tonight...although at this moment all its causing me is stress!!!
had the best clemintine - YUM!
@ohdarling I love you when you're drunk...well I love you all the time but especialyl when you are hammered! :) miss you!
decided that things are going to start looking up!
its a new day...although its also Tuesday...not sure how this will pan out
feeling nauseated not sure if its stress, the monster salad, or the fact that my perfect job has morphed into lifesucking hell
Just got a VERY exciting thing in the post...a christmas present that I think will be LOVED...cant wait to give it!
CANNOT WAIT for tonight to be over
I already hate people...and its 9:17...this is not a good sign
There is some crazy ass shit happening in Canadian politics - and I have only JUST found out about about living in a bubble!!!
eating the BEST ham and cheese croissant EVER...its squishy and gooey and exactly what I needed...YUM
I feel like I'm getting sick!! That gross feeling in the back of your throat, a bit sniffly and sneezy....not the 7 dwarfs...just sicky me!
Its as if Mother Nature listens to me - the clouds parted and the rain ceased...sunshine and crisp cold weather is back and I am chuffed!
rain rain go away...Christmas carols dont have the same charm when its pissy it down outside!
WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!!! It's weird how other peoples amazing news can make you sooo happy! YAY!
decorating the house last night and listening to Christmas music has revived me...I am determined to stay in the fabulous mood I am in now..
thats how I really feel.