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I hear more and more people talking about 'depression' rather than 'recession'.
Hell is walking through a never ending mall at christmas... in a hurry.
"What if the artists ran the TV? All the ads would be for fine scotch whiskey: Glenfiddich, Glenlivet, the whole single malt family"
ZOMG... TANYA AND GREG ARE ENGAGED! (old news... but I just found out)
I want to read this:
Poptarts for breakfast... so wrong, but so right.
new video: POPTARTS?!
For festive letterbox treats private message me your postal address. Here's how:
i love the internet
Got an A for my New Zealand Literature Exam... most unexpected. Delightful... but unexpected.
OMG I saw a famous youtuber today! I waved... and HE WAVED BACK! ZOMGZZZ *fangirl squeal*
Male flatmate asking me which shoes go with his shirt.... shit, i really don't know (or care).
Watched dogville yesterday and have been obsessed ever since.
How old were you when you got your first eftpos card? I think I was about 13 or 14 and I felt pretty special.
@jessums31 try christmas eve! sux0r
so my hair is lighter..... not blonde.... but definatly lighter.
3 hours into my hair treatment. 2 to go.
Owie, microdermabraision feels like sanding my face... the perks of working at a beauty salon.
new video: more elusive than i intended it to be.


jo eaton Sarah-Rose Gala Darling Dylan Packman Flora Famous Hank Green Joel Pitt Caitlin Hill Damien Estreich Michael Buckley Dylan Turney Lisa_Nova Jess walllofweird coollike lucidtone Tenani lewisbostock Levi Beamish Nadine Dannie junoluvsu kbellebee Cody Shuttleworth Rache simonPARASITE Patrickblog Murtle aaannarosewait TNZB lex! storycorey TehDancingJames kaabaz Juan Mann (FreeHugs) JESSSPAMS