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My dear North Chicago suburb - try some salt, eh?
@shelly However, Alan did just remind me of Jim Traficant and Jerry Springer, so you win.
@shelly I forgot about Taft. The thing with those lobbyists is child's play compared to this. This is an episode of The Sopranos.
IL politics are WAY more interesting then OH politics. The only thing OH Gov Ted Strickland could be arrested for is being so effing BORING.
$100 OBO to the person who breaks into my MIL's computer and makes the "send" button disappear. 4 emails in 30 minutes. Seriously.
Sometimes, when I'm using microsoft access and I get an error message, I'll push the help button just to see if it'll help. It never does.
I got out clothes for tomorrow, which can only mean one thing: boooo! work! Boooo!
shopping was not too bad, which pretty much means that the economy is completely screwed
shower, then shopping... I'm an idiot for shopping during December, this I know.
off for a roti run... I love Northbrook!
@JenTucker OMG - that looks AWESOME! I'm totally craving mexican now!
the snow is so deep, the squirrels can hardly get through it - they've got snowy bellies! eeek!
@sarahlane wait until you see the video for Circus. it's worse. (it's on hulu.)
thinking of putting a stove that we moved from Cleveland on eBay. Or, maybe craigslist.
It snowed a couple of inches, but I made a nice fire in the fireplace. I'm hoping I can convince Alan to make chili with me. So comforting!
discovering 30 Rock. Where have I been for the past 2 years?
I've never looked so forward to a weekend in my life.
@Barely good idea. Also, try a neti pot. The idea of it is gross, but it always clears my sinuses quickly.
The weekly Portillos run. I love beef!