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Will Self just went up in my estimation. He's said what everyone thinks about James Purnell MP (and it wasn't nice).on #BBC #QuestionTime
@martinpacker I don't think we'd get over 1GB for #IMS, not even with super large database and FP buffers. FP buffers go above bar in IMS11
@corey_smith and I thought it was only the UK that had a very broken Gov't
Just had a look at the HTTP headers for - it includes a random X-Fry or X-Bender header. Cool!
@martinpacker I see there's no #IMS in your list of wonky dumpers. That's because IMS never abends. :-) :-)
@corey_smith is crazy. clearly a warped idea from a warped politician who doesn't understand technology
@cathcam You could also use GMail for email - they support POP3 (Thunderbird) and webmail.
@cathcam You could just use it's fairly flexible and there's loads of mashups for it.
Bored with TV. Internet forum has died. So time for bed.
@chrishodgins any email from any bank is a phishing attempt. Banks don't send email - they're still using punched cards and paper tape.
@MichaelDag most stores in the UK now refuse to take a cheque. They'll take cash, credit or debit card only.
@MichaelDag Blame Merriam and Webster and their egregious dictionary. In the UK it's cheque (from French chèque), in Leftpondia it's check.
@stephenfry pray tell, why do you use the word "prolly", what's wrong with "probably"?
@chrisrowe (Yes it took me ages to work out the Euro symbol) - serves you right for being a MAC user.
@sscullion: the pound at €1.14 means expensive skiing for the Brits. Canada may be a popular destination this year.
RT @kellypuffs: peanut butter. No! Urrggh! Churned cow juice fat only.
@sscullion ... no. Have to be plain buttered, only.
@sscullion Hmmm let me think about that


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