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@luxuryluke @feather apparently "breaks" iPhone syncing though.
@feather just on Monday I think. Hasn't been there that long.
ok, that's done...for now. Time for some lunch.
@mattbrett wow, I'm jealous of that lunch. May have similar here, but maybe a pita pizza in place of chili and Keith's Red in place of IPA.
going to take the Jack Russell for a quick walk as he's started pacing circles in my office. Way too cold for either of us to be outside...
@mrwarren vanilla rum and eggnog (Appleton with split vanilla beans soaked for 1 month+)
@snookca could be 13. I only recall seeing 12 listed on, but that was a while back
@mattbrett awesome episode indeed. Things are getting pretty intense! Only two more shows left in the season...
is settling in for two hours of The Ultimate Fighter now that dinner is done and Dexter-watching is up to date.
wow, almost 5 already? Kinda forgot about lunch. Time to walk the canine, grab the mail, and think about dinner maybe.
@sea bullshit that he got suspended? He's a horrible representative of his team and the sport in general. I hope the Stars drop him.
looking for OSS suggestions for generating gift certificates: collecting payment using Paypal & not tied into a shopping cart. #lazyweb
coffee+nestle noir caramel hot chocolate+splash of milk = great/delicious way to warm up on cold day.
@mastermaq it's also on channel 230 in HD.
@dansauve not this year I don't think.
@splorp I received the exact same bill from Amazon.
@orderedlist thanks for the heads up on QuickCursor
working on a fairly sizable data import to production. This is always a bit nerve wracking even though I've tested it a million times.


veen Mack D. Male Mr Messina John Nunemaker Dan Cederholm Josh Bryant Lisa McMillan Melyssa L. Dan Benjamin Justine Mike Rundle Keith Kitta Jeremy Keith Heilemann Hickensian Erik Garrett Murray Patrick Haney Colin Devroe Aaron Gustafson Pete Lambert Drew McLellan Wilson Miner Ben Ward Karen O'Brien Timbo Derek Featherstone Matthew Pennell Stuart pixeldiva Steve Marshall Doug March Dave Verwer Neil Ford Josh Williams
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