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Happy Birthday to us

Happy Birthday to us

That’s right, two years of pure web video stock market fun. The market’s slowing down, but we’re not!

Here are the ingredients for our new official Wallstrip Cocktail, submitted by Steven Place.

Congrats, Steven!

Staff Picks our favorite shows

Amanda Elend is a story editor/writer/blogger and likes the smell of money and her iPhone

Seasonality: Fall

Seasonality: Fall

This one was so much fun to write. Lindsay came up with the concept and I got to play with words. They shot it beautifully and found some great music to put under it.

Health Care Industry

Health Care Industry

We were actually getting married for the healthcare! Adam called us up and asked if we'd make it into a show. It was surreal, but it ended up being kind of perfect.

Recently Discussed Stocks

Your Bailout

Barry Rangani discussed Your Bailout

If we bail out this pre planned crises, these multi billioners will keep g crises and milk the poor always. The american cars have been made to last 3 or 4 years. I bought a Crysler which died after 37 miles.. At the same time my brother-in-law bought a Toyota that ran for 247,000 miles , then he sold it. In the same way, the banks lower the interest rates, economy goes up. people are encouraged to buy houses. 3 to 5 years later economy goes down, iterest rates are double,. Banks have made their profit since first few years u pay only the interest, people r thrown out of the houses, Bank owns the property, sells to HUD which is their partner, and that makes a lot of profit, while bank shows loss. Govt bailes them out and the only loser is the public.


what is celebrex discussed HAHA


Your Bailout

Dave discussed Your Bailout

"Did you just wink at me?" LOL. And the guy didn't even flinch. Nice!

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