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The ugliest toilet seat covers are also the most expensive. If this implies something about American culture, I'm not comfortable with it.
Yes, Pandora. For the 6th time this morning, I am still listening.
Double crud. Browser doesn't work with this webcast. This is all Bilski's fault.
Crud. The online lecture I'm attending isn't accredited by the OSB. Hello unbillable, no-credit hour.
I don't remember Queensryche sounding this bad.
I wonder how many people I know, or have known, will consider (or have considered) time spent with me as wasted.
Why would my cheeks itch?
@amanders: The world loves you too.
The air was heavy that day. Gently roused from its languor by her passage, it eddied dizzily in her wake, as did I, following.
Nicole is interviewing for an eye-harvesting job. I'm a little freaked out to imagine how her manual skills will be tested.
Hello, bandwagon.
Even though it's after business hours, I feel that by wearing shorts in the office I am somehow getting away with something.
It's sunny outside but the uncomfortable warmth in my office, I am both amused and pissed off to discover, is because my heater is on.
I wonder who is more surprised at my discovery of a ladybug in my pants pocket this morning: me, or the ladybug.
I'm wondering what text message bliccy was talkng about.
signing up to prevent someone else from using my handle :-)


CNN Breaking News Ryan Barack Obama PAgent Dorota Mike grrlpup sanguinity Amanda apocgirl raindog42 jerekeys Isaac Watson inkytwist, durr hurr Erin nicole JesseSpero