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Holy crap, my code is completely finished. After a short amount of testing tomorrow morning I'll be good to go. Thank you God!
After tonight I will never have to work on this stupid project ever again. I've never been so happy to have a due date arrive.
@mechphisto pwnage is nice, and updated for the new firmware
So the add/drop part of my project ended being harder than I thought it was going to be.... I still haven't finished it.
Think I got all the wrinkles ironed out of my database project. We'll see...
So for this database systems project I've been working on a high school class registration system. Actually adding classes is really hard.
Ok, so I have everything done but the single hardest part. I hope I can get it done tomorrow.
Trying to get the web interface for my database project finished
Just watched, and thoroughly enjoyed Wanted.
Why does my Google Reader look different all of a sudden?
Today feels like it is never going to end.
Starting the drive back to Springfield.
@patmcrotch I'll be at work tomorrow for Black Friday... I'm still trying to figure out how I am going to get up in time to be there at 5:15
Happy Thanksgiving!
You can see the space shuttle over Springfield right now.
My first post-deployment Veteran's Day ended up being a pretty good day.
Officially employed as of tommorow.
Looks like I might be working at Radioshack come Saturday.
Oh no... Michael Crichton died.
I'm just very disappointed right now, and very scared for the future of this country.


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