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@imajes how is the kitty that was sick? i hope he's better now.
just got up after my nap. thanks for the well wishes. still feeling icky, but hopefully will feel better tomorrow.
@febake oh i hope so! last time i flew with a cold I couldn't hear a thing for 24 hours after as my ears refused to pop.
@uncommon_sense thanks!! i hope the congestion goes away before Saturday - it's hell to fly with a cold.
@jeffjarvis haha is a common term amongst anyone who watches Gardener's World or any programme about stately homes.
argh. cold has really got a grip of me today. head feels like it's stuffed with marshmallow. not fair - this is my holiday, dammit.
@Joi congratulations!! I hope you have a long and very happy marriage!
kev found old book on programmig in basic. i googled preface writer, Chris Cerf, found him on LinkedIn, connected in 3 degrees.
@kevglobal just found a diary from 1990, including this advice: "If you use crutches - shave your armpits". He doesn't remember doing so.
what is it with sites closing doors at the moment? IWantSandy, then Pownce, and now Ficlets?
funny being on this side of the pond and seeing which of my British friends are night owls. it's nearly 1.30 in the morning guys, go to bed!
@mikelittlezed1 yeah, there's room for a banner, but I haven't got one to upload yet May do that next.
got my shop up and running - - wonder if it'll do anything interesting, like sell stuff.
@leisa take a look at too - UK-based and some lovely things on there.
testing Folksy - - to see if there's a market for my necklaces.
anyone used Folksy? UK-based craft site like Etsy. Curious to know how good it is. Still need to sell necklaces -
Snow still falling. Probably had an extra two inches by now. Everything white and pretty. Squirrels very easy to spot.
feeling quite grumpy this morning. seeing too much stupidity about online. time perhaps to shut the computer down and do something else.
it's snowing again!!
@edent i just saw that. due to lack of support. :( more people and companies should support ORG - they do important work.


danah boyd Colin Schlüter Ross Thomas Vander Wal Adam Giles Robert Brook l.m. orchard Simon Perry Michael O'CC Jeremy Keith Ian Forrester Hickensian Chris Adams debs Chris V Simon Willison Tom Coates Matt Biddulph Meg Pickard alanconnor Edd Dumbill Paul Hammond Euan Semple Matt Webb Antony Richard Moross Richard Ryan Carson Rob Hinchcliffe Tim Cowlishaw Johnnie Moore Gavin Bell Mr Noded Tom Reynolds leisa Ian Betteridge
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