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@ourman well can use from homepage but I've got three simultaneous Twitter accounts going so Twhirl is best
@amonck @ourman and I'm back on! they were updating and apologise for inconvenience
anyone else's Twhirl down?
@lvtrii yes. our blog is org and much better. My own, for laziness sake, is com but think I need to change it
@lvtrii but for not com? Think I need to make the move
@lvtrii will do! I'm thinking the feed won't work on a page?
@lvtrii it's very interesting what you're doing! I like the way you can go to blog or the feed from the main page
@newscred are you exposing the great conference money making/taking phenomenon?! but what about 'free lunch'?
I also just joined the onlinejournalist Twitter Group ... The more (groups and people) the merrier hey?
I'm now in the Twitter Group - pass it on!
@onemoreryan well if that's how long it takes to reply to a Tweet! only kidding - I know you're in US.
@onemoreryan how many extra followers does a Twitter mention in the NYTimes get you?
@adders grrr. thought there might be a sneaky way round it. Org is calling.
I can embed dipity timelines and flickr slideshows on; anyone know how to blogs?? v frustrating.
@adders good because I have more RSS feeds than (a giant plate) of spag bol has strands of pasta
@adders cheers! another thing to check/use of a day... my online head is going to explode
I am now on friendfeed: fellow users please add me!
@Katchooo oh well, it worked for us ... causing controversy among the foodie bloggers too.
@alisongow cheers! will check it out.


Biz Stone Jason Calacanis Giles Turnbull Robert Brook Jeffrey McManus Philip Campbell Ian Forrester Dina Bobbie Johnson David Black Scott Matthewman irina slutsky Mike Butcher Lloyd Shepherd Jess Neil McIntosh Nico Macdonald Graham Holliday Dan Taylor Adam Tinworth Darren Waters Deirdre Hugh MacLeod James Cridland Mr Anderson Ewan Spence Robert Andrews Jon Bounds Martin Stabe Jemima Kiss Ste Davies Cybersoc Dean Harvey Wayne MacPhail Simon Waldman Eric Ulken
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