* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * This file contains an ASCII representation of one section of * * GAO/OCG-95-1, Management Reform: Implementation of the National * * Performance Review's Recommendations (December 5, 1994). * * * * GAO's views are contained in the file GAONPR.TXT, which comprises the * * Letter to Congressional requesters from this report. * * * * Delineations within the text indicating chapter titles, headings, and * * bullets are preserved. Major divisions and subdivisions of the text, * * such as Chapters, Sections, and Appendixes, are identified by double and * * single lines. The numbers on the right end of these lines indicate the * * position of each of the subsections in the document outline. These * * numbers do NOT correspond with the page numbers of the printed product. * * * * No attempt has been made to display graphic images, although figure * * captions are reproduced. Tables are included, but may not resemble * * those in the printed version. * * * * One printed copy of this report may be obtained at no charge from the GAO * * Document Distribution Facility, by calling (202) 512-6000, by faxing your * * request to (301) 258-4066, or by writing to P.O. Box 6015, Gaithersburg, * * MD 20884-6015. We are unable to accept electronic orders for printed * * documents at this time. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * RETHINKING PROGRAM DESIGN (DES) ===================================================================== Section 33 OVERALL SUMMARY ------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 33:1 No progress has been made in implementing these four recommendations. These are the only body of recommendations where no progress has been made to date. GAO CONTACT ----------------------------------------------------------------- Section 33:1.1 William M. Hunt, Director, Federal Management Issues, General Government Division, (202) 512-8676. RECOMMENDATION INFORMATION ------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 33:2 DES01: ACTIVATE PROGRAM DESIGN AS A FORMAL DISCIPLINE ----------------------------------------------------------------- Section 33:2.1 The President's Management Council should commission the development of a handbook to help federal managers understand the strengths and weaknesses of various forms of program design. ACTION ITEMS --------------------------------------------------------------- Section 33:2.1.1 No action items were published by NPR by September 7, 1994. GAO COMMENTS --------------------------------------------------------------- Section 33:2.1.2 Generally Agree. We agree that substantial benefits can be gained through analysis of diverse program design methodologies as they relate to specific program goals or objectives. We have not studied the feasibility of a handbook as cited by NPR, but note that many benefits may be derived from program design guidelines and resources such as the handbook. IMPLEMENTATION --------------------------------------------------------------- Section 33:2.1.3 Not Implemented--No Action Taken. There has been no progress on this recommendation. RELATED GAO PRODUCTS --------------------------------------------------------------- Section 33:2.1.4 Partnership Projects: A Framework for Evaluating Public-Private Housing and Development Efforts (GAO/PEMD-90-9, May 22, 1990). Federal Budget: Choosing Public Investment Programs (GAO/AIMD-93-25, Mar. 23, 1993). DES02: ESTABLISH PILOT PROGRAM DESIGN CAPABILITIES IN ONE OR TWO AGENCIES ----------------------------------------------------------------- Section 33:2.2 Test the usefulness of the program design handbook and the value of program design as a useful discipline. ACTION ITEMS --------------------------------------------------------------- Section 33:2.2.1 No action items were published by NPR by September 7, 1994. GAO COMMENTS --------------------------------------------------------------- Section 33:2.2.2 Generally Agree. As discussed in the comment for DES01, we have not studied the feasibility of a handbook as cited by NPR. However, if a handbook is developed, pilot testing it in a few agencies would be an effective way to observe and analyze the feasibility of different program design methodologies. IMPLEMENTATION --------------------------------------------------------------- Section 33:2.2.3 Not Implemented--No Action Taken. There has been no progress on this recommendation. RELATED GAO PRODUCTS --------------------------------------------------------------- Section 33:2.2.4 Groundwater Protection: Validity and Feasibility of EPA's Differential Protection Strategy (GAO/PEMD-93-6, Dec. 9, 1992). Rental Housing: Implementing the New Federal Incentives to Deter Prepayments of HUD Mortgages (GAO/PEMD-91-2, Apr. 30, 1991). DES03: ENCOURAGE THE STRENGTHENING OF PROGRAM DESIGN IN THE LEGISLATIVE BRANCH ----------------------------------------------------------------- Section 33:2.3 The President's Management Council should work with congressional support agencies to help them strengthen their program design capacities. ACTION ITEMS --------------------------------------------------------------- Section 33:2.3.1 No action items were published by NPR by September 7, 1994. GAO COMMENTS --------------------------------------------------------------- Section 33:2.3.2 Generally Agree. Although we have not assessed specific mechanisms, we agree that it is important for executive branch and congressional support agencies to learn from one another to better assist decisionmakers in designing federal programs. IMPLEMENTATION --------------------------------------------------------------- Section 33:2.3.3 Not Implemented--No Action Taken. There has been no progress on this recommendation. RELATED GAO PRODUCTS --------------------------------------------------------------- Section 33:2.3.4 Public Health Service: Evaluation Set-Aside Has Not Realized Its Potential to Inform the Congress (GAO/PEMD-93-13, Apr. 8, 1993). DES04: COMMISSION PROGRAM DESIGN COURSES ----------------------------------------------------------------- Section 33:2.4 Develop training courses for managers and policymakers on various program design approaches. ACTION ITEMS --------------------------------------------------------------- Section 33:2.4.1 No action items were published by NPR by September 7, 1994. GAO COMMENTS --------------------------------------------------------------- Section 33:2.4.2 Generally Agree. Although we have not identified the scope or magnitude of specific training needs of managers and policymakers, we strongly agree that program design training is necessary to ensure that managers and policymakers fully understand the strengths and weaknesses associated with program design methodologies. IMPLEMENTATION --------------------------------------------------------------- Section 33:2.4.3 Not Implemented--No Action Taken. There has been no progress on this recommendation. RELATED GAO PRODUCTS --------------------------------------------------------------- Section 33:2.4.4 None.