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loving the snow
not sure. whats going on in nyc tonight?
Thanks friends I think I'm going to buy a clipper will report back with pics
I'm in serious need of a haircut. How many ppl cut their own hair?
@jasonoliver i never met jeff staple - would love to im a big fan of his work - maybe one day
Just checked out the gizmodo installation at the reed space annex they curated some pretty sweet gadgets if u are in NYC u should stop by
I just won a sweet cupcake art piece by jeannine marie luke
Craving cupcakes at @niche's awesome 4 yr cupcake anniversary paray
Going to observe students learn how to use design software for the first time
Driving to the office. NEED to find a DR my eyes are killing. The drops I got last night arent as magical as the homeless guy promised
i'm out of hard drive space! what cloud should i put it on? any recommendations? should i just dump it on s3?
How the hell did I get pink eye?!
I feel sooo deprived. Every single cooking show I watch they always rave about BACON. Does anyone not like bacon?
RT @RichardMoross My buddies Eclectic Method have released an awesome new video mix - [its like GirlTalk but with video]
Seems like verizon fios is down. No Internet or phone @aviary HQ now I'm definitely going to get some work done.
RT @Aviary check out this AWESOME Sorapot Art Contest!
excited about potential new intern that i met at the apple store a few weeks ago all b/c of the @aviary sticker on my mac thnx @stickergiant
I just put Cupcakes Take The Cake 4th Anniversary party on my calendar congrats @niche
got off phone w college professor who will be using @aviary in his classroom next semester. do u or someone u know want to do the same?
Another reason why Youtube and its generation are so powerful (and so cool)


Evan Williams kellan Blaine Cook Josh Kopelman Dennis Crowley Noah Chris Sacca seanbonner Jay Goldman Joe Lazarus Dave McClure Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt jake Scott Beale David Crow Dave Morin Jackson West Jason Calacanis Derek Powazek Thor Muller brady forrest Alex Hillman Andrew Parker Amit superamit Gupta Ryan Stewart Alex de Carvalho Tantek Çelik Gregarious debs Leslie Chicoine Bre Pettis Howard Greenstein Taylor McKnight Richard Moross Ben Cerveny
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