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Just went shopping on the company card. I got a Sony Handycam HDR-SR11, and a new tripod, extra batteries, memory stick and a new case.
@jackals try out pt walkley's new record. Listen to: Why,Ides of March, No One Needs to Know, Cal the Coroner
Twones, a new social network based around music. I shall try it and see.
Flobots and Matthew Caws etown finale was "So Happy Together." Had so much fun!
At etown show with flobots and matthew caws. really good show.
art show and pajama party tonight 2936 Larimer 7pm-11:55pm
And there is no scene, just scenery..(and you and me).
Hello pretty boulder. I fancy your giant snowflakes.
@fancyjeffrey I just became a Facebook fan of Hot Doug's encased meats. By far the most productive thing I've done today.
My favorite online boutique, Goldyn, has a CyberMonday coupon code: CYBER60. Use this code at check out for 60% off!
Such a good movie weekend. Yesterday Bond, today Slumdog Millionaire and tomorrow- Let The Right One In!
Obamify photo booth:
Tonight at the gym I saw not 1, not 2 but 3 girls reading Twilight.
Come live in a 3,000 sq. ft/3 bedroom loft with me and Danny. Available Dec. 1. Pics:
anyone interested in going to see slumdog millionaire tonight?
9 hours until the Twilight party at Denver Pavillions!
Almost finished booking the rest of the shoots until Christmans!
@wittywit cary grant or brad pitt? hmm.
Watching Charade starring Cary Grant & Audrey Hepburn. "Heroin, peppermint-flavored heroin."


Evan Williams Dennis Crowley Buzz Andersen Matt Galligan danah boyd Aubrey Sabala Cameron Walters Charley Hine Robert S Andersen Daniel Newman Steve Woolf Leslie Chicoine Mickipedia Tilman Alex King Matt Matteson Josh Pigford katie spence Steve Jobs Jordan Snyder WilloToons ali watkins Andrew Wooster Kristan Dave Troy Barack Obama David Cohen Andrew Maverick Hyde Corey Denis April Buchert Darren Rowse Jordan Alperin Ben Reubenstein Samantha Murphy Peter Shankman Laura Fitton