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2nd debate: BORING.
Man, i love joe biden. Would've loved a biden/mccain debate.
"i've got a bracelet too." hahahahahaha. so good.
wamu. nice.
i like twidge. it makes twitter tolerable for a bit longer.
You think it's cool to laugh at community organizers? Fuck you, rudy giuliani.
"european ideas"?! Seriously?
gmail is starting to dump way too much good email into spam. this is really not cool.
things i hate: the word "cuppa".
@mattokeefe @dougbarth just saw erma on a random haskell hacker's delicious. you're famous!
ugh. disk crash. this sucks.
worst of the internet: file upload sites. christ, they're horrible.
Seeing indy. Sex and the city crowd is NUTS. Hilarious.
What's a good secondary dns provider?
Lucky creation is the best restaurant anywhere EVER.
Scala liftoff was super fun.
at bayfp at twitter and omg they got vegan pizza. RULE.


Steve Jenson Harper Jeff Judge Status Updates Jason Perkins Jacob DeHart Quantazel Chad Cumby Ken Meier Derek Kaczmarczyk nicole sutton Vince Horn Adam Dorfman jesica David Pollak Adam Lee Jorge Ortiz Nik Krimm jenhellige Doug Barth leithaus kevinconroy elephantsgerald Jeff Palmer drmarik fozzwald Dan Labovitch Dustin Kimmel jasonrohwedder Pek Pongpaet Charles Marshall cdiggins Leon Chism Jeffrey Paul jackiepanked davidpthomas