
Spaz is a Twitter client for users who value free, open-source software, attractive design, and customizability


  • Cross-platform: available on all AIR-compatible platforms: Windows, OS X, and Linux
  • Open source software using a New BSD-style license (source available at Spaz Google Code project site)
  • Written in pure Javascript, XHTML and CSS. Utilizes the powerful jQuery Javascript framework
  • Built-in global search powered by Summize
  • Short URL creation tool with support for multiple services (,,, and more)
  • In-line short URL decoding
  • No ads
  • Markdown syntax support
  • Multiple themes and support for user-created themes
  • User-defined CSS overrides
  • Event sounds using the Tokyo Train Station soundset by Dominik Dimaano
  • Directory listings of users you’re following, and your followers.
  • Debugging and development tools and debug logging

FAQ & Help

Join the Team

Spaz.AIR is written entirely in XHTML and Javascript. It uses the Spry and jQuery frameworks.

Spaz is open-source and licensed under a New BSD-style license.

Subversion Repository

You can access the SVN repo at Spaz’s Google Code site.

The source code of Spaz.AIR is available in the .air file — you should be able to open it with any “unzip” tool.


Automated “One-step” Install

Please upgrade your Flash Player This is the content that would be shown if the user does not have Flash Player 9.0.115 or higher installed.
Linux Users: please do a manual install with the alternate Linux build until Adobe makes an AIR1.5-compatible version for your OS.

Manual Install

Note: Spaz.AIR requires that the Adobe Integrated Runtime be installed on your system.

  1. Download and install AIR
  2. Download Spaz (alternate Linux build)


Old Versions

Previous versions of Spaz were written in RealBasic, and compiled for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. The new AIR-based Spaz is, in the creator’s opinion, a far superior program, but you can still download the old versions and source code if you like: