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At sfo, have 2.5 hrs to spare. Going to obtain rental car and go to coast!
About to board for sfo, can't wait to see sun!
mentally preparing for trip to SF, for the looong day headed that way & short day back. but happy it's v. likely I will see the sun tmw!
seriously LOVE this product (but husband says we'd go broke if I bought one):
@lische nice. I'm still squelching. There is really no drainage in the parking deck I park in, it was like a little lake.
@emeth007 funny, we're watching it too. it's an insta-classic.
back from eating tots and making cookies with @lische and @arabesqa. those girls can bake! also, learned I NEED a microplane zester now!
On my way (with tots in hand) to meet @lische and @arabesqa
@GraceMcDunnough NEED digital copy of that song suitable for playing on iPod. where can I obtain?
RT @lance PlayOn Sports joins ATDC - very exciting!
RT @StephenFleming "We're the Big Three. We Don't Need to Compete." (from @jasoncalacanis) - hilarious
@lische Yep, it was very sweet. And I think a dude was driving it! I'm guessing his wife/significant others applied the cuteness.
@GraceMcDunnough "goodbye"... or "get out of my meeting"? I know, that was mean. - Sweet holiday goodness, Rudolf comes to town (those are antlers on top)
@StephenFleming I may know some folks that fit the bill. Pls email me the details and I'll look for good ppl that might be interested.
@sanjay how do I send a feature request for @nowplaying?
@lische now THAT is hilarious, but not in a funny ha-ha kind of way!
er... just met with @jen_bonnett, WHO is one of the greatest startup minds in the ATL, highly enjoyable lunch
just met with @jen_bonnett, is one of the greatest startup minds in the ATL, highly enjoyable lunch


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