American Heart Association

Research Saves Lives

Heart disease, stroke and other forms of cardiovascular disease remain the No. 1 and most costly killer in the United States, taking the lives of far too many loved ones each year. Medical research is our best defense- leading to new ways to prevent, treat and even cure cardiovascular disease. Yet our nation’s investment in research supported by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has declined over the last five years. Faced with less funding, NIH has been forced to delay or abandon promising studies on heart disease and stroke. Those canceled studies could have led to discoveries that could have saved thousands of lives. We need more funding for heart disease and stroke research, not less! You can help today!

Ask your Member of Congress to increase funding for NIH heart and stroke research. Just fill out this form to email the letter below to your lawmakers. You could be saving lives with a simple click!.

As your constituent and as an American Heart Association You’re the Cure advocate, I urge you to include a $1.9 billion increase for the National Institutes of Health in the economic stimulus package. This will allow the NIH to move closer to a cure for heart disease, stroke and other forms of cardiovascular disease. Cardiovascular disease remains the No. 1 killer in our State and the most costly disease in our nation.

Enhanced funding for the NIH makes good economic sense. In addition to finding new ways to prevent and cure disease, NIH generates economic growth in communities across our nation and helps preserve and create new jobs. The NIH invests more than 80 percent of its resources in facilities in every state and in most congressional districts. Please click here to see the NIH investment in your state

Since 2003, NIH funding has not kept pace with medical research inflation. These funding cuts have forced the NIH to stall or abandon promising research in many areas. I am particularly concerned about their affect on research related to heart disease and stroke. NIH-supported medical research is the best hope to discover better ways to prevent, treat, and even cure heart disease and stroke.

Please do your part to save lives, improve the quality of life of the people in our State and to protect Congress’ investment by including a $1.9 billion increase for the NIH in the economic stimulus package. Thank you.

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