Added entries that provide additional access to a bibliographic record from names and/or titles having various relationships to a work. Added entries are made for persons, corporate bodies, and meetings having some form of responsibility for the creation of the work, including intellectual and publishing responsibilities. Also included are added entries for other titles under authority control related to the work for which the record is made, such as other editions, etc. Field 740 contains a title not under authority control for a part of the item being cataloged, or a related item. Added entries are assigned to records for persons, corporate bodies, meetings, and titles which are not given access through subject or series entries. Fields 752-754 provide for access to an item through other aspects of its content or description.
Descriptions of the first indicator and all subfield codes, as well as input conventions for the 700, 710, 711, and 730 fields are given in the following General Information sections: X00, X10, X11, and X30. The second indicator is described in the specific section for each field. All content designators for fields 720, 740-754 are described in the specific section for each field.
Added entry fields are not used as often in bibliographic records for materials under archival control as they are for materials under other types of control. In archival control, greater use is made of the 6XX fields for access.
Field 705 - Added Entry - Personal Name (Performer) (MU) [OBSOLETE, 1980] [USMARC only]
Field 715 - Added Entry - Corporate Name (Performing Group) (MU) [OBSOLETE, 1980] [USMARC only]
Field 751 - Geographic Name/Area Name Entry [OBSOLETE] [CAN/MARC only]
Field 751 - Added Entry - Geographic Name [NEW, 2007]
Field 755 - Added Entry - Physical Characteristics [OBSOLETE, 1995]
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