
Check here for the latest news happening in our organization and schools. You can access reports on the Public Reports page and past issues of the BIE newsletters on the Archives page.

BIE and the Office of the Chief Information Officer, working together, have completed the Bureau of Indian Education 2007 - 2010 Master Technology Plan.

Bureau of Indian Education 2007 - 2010 Master Technology Plan
(pdf)(3.5 MB)

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) provides interesting scientific and technical opportunities for students and teachers.
The STEM program increases NASA-related activities at the elementary and secondary education levels enabling more students to be inspired and motivated to pursue higher levels of study in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Click the link below to access the NASA STEM program.

The OCIO IT Summit will be January 14 - 17, 2008 in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The letter below announces the Indian Affairs Office of the Chief Information Officer IT Summit.

2008 Information Technology (IT) Summit Announcement
(pdf)(388 KB)

The following files are for the Quicktime Time and Attendance System:

Dec 5th-7th, 2006, Facilitated eRate Application Work Session
(Training) Update

Per the memorandum from Thomas Dowd, Director, BIE dated November 21, 2006, eRate Training for Year 10 (2007-2008) is scheduled to be held in Albuquerque, December 5-7, 2006. Click the links below for more information.

Security Reminder for all BIA Federal Financial System Users

BIA User IDs for the Federal Financial System possess privileges that are tailored to the duties of the individual BIA user's job and to the individual user's level of "need-to-know." Each change to the user's profile or access must be approved through the proper channels. If duties or job requirements change, accesses which are no longer needed will be removed and new accesses must be requested. Supervisors are responsible for notifying the BIA FFS SPOC (Security Point of Contact) whenever such changes occur so that the user's accesses can be changed to suit the new duty or job requirements. Upon termination of employment with the BIA, for whatever reason (e.g. deaths, medical leave of absence, retirement, termination for cause, etc.) a user's access must be terminated. Supervisors are responsible for notifying the SPOC whenever a user leaves the organization, so that the user's access authorities can be removed.

9/27/06 - Appropriate Use of the Internet

The Internet provides a source of information that can benefit every professional discipline represented in the Department of the Interior. It is the policy of the Department that employees whose job performance can be enhanced through use of the Internet be provided access and become proficient in its capabilities. This memorandum reiterates current policy defining appropriate and inappropriate use of the Internet by Departmental employees, volunteers, and contractors while using government-owned or leased equipment, facilities, Internet addresses, or domain names registered to the Department.

BIE Links
eRate Update Year 10 Application Period
(pdf) (23.5 KB)

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