[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 26, Volume 15]
[Revised as of April 1, 2001]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 26CFR48.6427-3]

[Page 234-236]
                       TITLE 26--INTERNAL REVENUE
                       DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY
   Subpart O--Refunds and Other Administrative Provisions of Special 
            Application to Retailers and Manufacturers Taxes
Sec. 48.6427-3  Time for filing claim for credit or payment.

    (a) In general. A claim for credit or payment described in 
Sec. 48.6427-1 with respect to fuel used for nontaxable, farming, or 
other purposes taxable at a lower rate or in Sec. 48.6427-2 with respect 
to fuel used either in an intercity or local bus while engaged in 
furnishing (for compensation) passenger land transportation available to 
the general public or in school bus transportation operations shall 
cover only fuel used during the taxable year, or when paragraph (b)(2) 
of this section applies, used during the calendar quarter. Therefore, 
fuel on hand at the end of a taxable year, or, if applicable, a calendar 
quarter, such as fuel in supply tanks of vehicles or in storage tanks or 
drums, must be excluded from a claim filed for the taxable year or 
calendar quarter, as the case may be. However, this fuel may be included 
in a claim filed for a later taxable year or a later calendar quarter if 
it is used during that later year or quarter for nontaxable or farming 
purposes, or in an intercity or local bus while engaged in furnishing 
(for compensation) passenger land transportation available to the 
general public or in school bus transportation operations. Fuel used 
during the taxable year or calendar quarter may be covered by the claim 
for that period although the fuel has not been paid for at the time the 
claim is filed. The purposes of applying this section, a governmental 
unit or exempt organization described in Sec. 48.6427-1(c) or 
Sec. 48.6427-2(c) is considered to have as its taxable year the calendar 
year or fiscal year on the basis of which it regularly keeps its books; 
see Sec. 48.6421-4.
    (b) Time for filing--(1) Annual claims. (i) A claim under this 
section for credit or payment with respect to fuel used during a taxable 
year shall not be allowed unless it is filed no later than the time 
prescribed by section 6511 and the regulations thereunder for filing a 
claim for credit or refund of income tax for the particular taxable 
    (ii) A claim for payment of a governmental unit or exempt 
organization described in Sec. 48.6427-1(c) or unit or exempt 
organization described in Sec. 48.6427-2(c), must be filed no later than 
3 years following the close of its taxable year. See Sec. 48.6421-4.
    (2) Quarterly claims. A claim for payment of $1,000 or more in 
respect to fuel used during any of the first three quarters of the 
taxable year, filed either under Sec. 48.6427-1(c)(3) in respect of fuel 
used for nontaxable purposes or for purposes taxable at a lower rate, or 
under Sec. 48.6427-2(c)(3) in respect of fuel used while engaged in 
furnishing (for compensation) passenger land transportation available to 
the general public or in school bus transportation operations, shall not 
be allowed unless the claim is filed on or before the last day of the 
first calendar quarter following the calendar quarter for which the 
claim is filed. No quarterly claim may be filed for the last calendar 
quarter of the taxable year. Amounts for which payment is disallowed 
under this paragraph (b)(2) merely because the

[[Page 235]]

claim was not filed on time may be included in an annual claim filed 
under paragraph (b)(1) of this section, but other amounts for which a 
claim for payment has been filed under this paragraph (b)(2) may not be 
included in an annual claim filed under paragraph (b)(1) of this 
    (3) Other applicable rules. See Sec. 301.7502-1 of this chapter 
(Regulations on Procedure and Administration) for provisions treating 
timely mailing as timely filing and Sec. 301.7503-1 of this chapter for 
time for performance of an act where the last day falls on Saturday, 
Sunday, or a legal holiday.
    (c) Limit on claims per taxable year. Not more than one claim may be 
filed under Sec. 48.6427-1 or Sec. 48.6427-2 by any person with respect 
to fuel used during any taxable year, except to the extent that 
quarterly claims may be filed under paragraph (b)(2) of this section 
with respect to any calendar quarter (other than the last calendar 
quarter) of the taxable year.
    (d) Form and content of claim--(1) Claim for credit. The claim for 
credit to which this section applies must be made by attaching a Form 
4136, to the income tax return of an individual or a corporation. Form 
4136 must be executed in accordance with the instructions prescribed for 
the preparation of the form. A partnership may not file Form 4136. When 
a partnership files Form 1065, U.S. Partnership Return of Income, it 
must include a statement showing how many gallons of fuel are allocated 
to each partner and the use made of the fuel.
    (2) Claim for payment. The claim for payment to which this section 
applies must be made on Form 8849 (or on such other form as the 
Commissioner may designate) in accordance with the instructions 
prescribed for the preparation of the form. Each form must designate the 
taxable year, or calendar quarter, for which it is filed.
    (3) Death or termination. (i) If an individual dies, or if a sole 
proprietorship, partnership, or corporation is terminated or liquidated, 
during the taxable year, the claim for credit or payment may be filed in 
respect of fuel used during the short taxable year in the same manner as 
is provided for fuel used in a full taxable year. Those months which 
constitute a quarter of a full taxable year will constitute the same 
quarter of the short taxable year. For example, if a corporation using 
the calendar year is liquidated on September 30, 1982, and is entitled 
to $900 under Sec. 48.6427-1 in respect of fuel used for nontaxable 
purposes for the calendar quarter ending March 31 and is also entitled 
to payments of $1,500 for each of the calendar quarters ending June 30 
and September 30, it may file a claim for payment in respect of the fuel 
used for nontaxable purposes during the calendar quarters ending June 
30, and September 30, 1982, and take a credit of $900 on its income tax 
return for the short taxable year in respect of the fuel used during the 
calendar quarter ending March 31, 1982.
    (ii) A claim for payment on behalf of a decedent may be filed by the 
decedent's executor, administrator, or any other person charged with 
responsibility for the decedent's affairs. Such a claim must be 
accompanied by copies of the letters testamentary, letters of 
administration, or, in the case of a claim filed by other than the 
executor or administrator, the information called for in Form 1310 
(Statement of Person Claiming Refund Due a Deceased Taxpayer).
    The claim may cover only fuel in respect of which the decedent would 
have been entitled to claim payments. For example, if an individual dies 
on July 15, 1982, prior to claiming payment under Sec. 48.6427-1 of 
$1,000 or more applicable to fuel purchased and used for nontaxable 
purposes during the calendar quarter ending June 30, 1982, the 
decedent's executor or other legal representative may file a claim for 
payment covering that calendar quarter, and take the credit provided by 
section 39(a)(3) against the decedent's income tax on the income tax 
return for the short taxable year in respect of fuel purchased by the 
decedent and so used during the period from July 1, 1982, to July 15, 
1982, the date of death.
    (e) Restrictions on claims for credit or payment. Credits or 
payments are allowable only in respect of fuel that was sold by the 
producer or importer in a transaction that was subject to tax under 
section 4041. For example, a State or local government may not file

[[Page 236]]

a claim with respect to any fuel which it purchased tax free from the 
producer, even though the State or local government used the fuel for 
the purposes described in paragraph (a) of this section. Similarly, a 
State or local government may not file a claim with respect to the use 
of fuel if it is known that another person is entitled to claim a 
payment, credit, or refund with respect to the same fuel. For example, a 
State or local government may not file a claim in respect of tax-paid 
fuel that has been resold by the purchaser to the State or local 

[T.D. 8043, 50 FR 32048, Aug. 8, 1985, as amended by T.D. 8659, 61 FR 
10464, Mar. 14, 1996; T.D. 8748, 63 FR 26, Jan. 2, 1998]