[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 26, Volume 15]
[Revised as of April 1, 2001]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 26CFR48.4221-5]

[Page 185-186]
                       TITLE 26--INTERNAL REVENUE
                       DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY
                Subpart N--Exemptions, Registration, Etc.
Sec. 48.4221-5  Tax-free sale of articles to State and local governments for their exclusive use.

    (a) In general. An article (excluding an automobile subject to tax 
under section 4064) subject to tax under Chapter 32 of the Code may be 
sold tax free by the manufacturer, pursuant to section 4221(a)(4) and 
this section, to a State or local government for the exclusive use of 
such State or local government. See paragraph (b) of this section for 
the meaning of the term ``State or local government''. An article may be 
sold tax free by the manufacturer under this paragraph only in those 
cases where the sale is made directly to a State or local government for 
its exclusive use. Accordingly, no sale may be made tax free to a dealer 
for resale to a State or local government for its exclusive use, even 
though it is known at the time of sale by the manufacturer that the 
article will be so resold. A sale of an article to a State or local 
government for resale is not considered to be a sale for the ``exclusive 
use'' of the State or local government, within the meaning of section 
4221(a)(4), and, therefore, such sales may not be made tax free. Such 
sales are not exempt regardless of whether the resales are made to 
government employees, or the fact that the article is an item of 
equipment the employee is required to possess in carrying out his 
duties. For example, pistols or revolvers may not be sold tax free to a 
State or local government for resale to its police officers. See section 
6416(b)(2)(C), and paragraph (b)(3) of Sec. 48.6416(b)-2, for the 
circumstances under which credit or refund of tax is available where 
tax-paid articles are sold for the exclusive use of a State or local 
    (b) State or local government. The term ``State or local 
government'' includes any State, the District of Columbia, and any 
political subdivision of any of the foregoing.
    (c) Evidence required in support of tax-free sales to States or 
local governments. (1) The evidence required in support of a tax-free 
sale to the State or local government shall, except as provided in 
paragraph (c)(2) of this section, consist of a certificate, executed and 
signed by an officer or employee authorized by the State or local 
government to execute and sign the certificate. If it is impracticable 
to furnish a separate certificate for each order or contract because of 
a frequency of purchases, a certificate covering all orders between 
given dates (such period not to exceed 12 calendar quarters) will be 
acceptable. The certificates and proper records of invoices, orders, 
etc., relative to tax-free sales must be retained by the manufacturer as 
provided in section 6001 and the regulations thereunder. The certificate 
shall be in substantially the following form:

                          Exemption Certificate

(For use by States and local governments (section 4221(a)(4) of the 
Internal Revenue Code))
                                      (Date) __________________, 19____.
    I hereby certify that I am __________________ (Title of Officer) of 
__________________ (State or local government) that I am authorized to 
execute this certificate; and that:

[[Page 186]]

                 (Check applicable type of certificate)

____ the article or articles specified in the accompanying order, or on 
the reverse side hereof, (or)

____ all orders placed by the purchaser for the period commencing 
__________________ (Date) and ending __________________ (Date) (period 
not to exceed 12 calendar quarters), are, or will be, purchased from 
__________________ (Name of manufacturer) for the exclusive use of 
__________________ (Governmental unit) of __________________ (State or 
local government).
    I understand that the exemption from tax in the case of sales of 
articles under this exemption certificate to a State, etc., is limited 
to the sale of articles purchased for its exclusive use. I understand 
that the fraudulent use of this certificate for the purpose of securing 
this exemption will subject me and all parties making such fraudulent 
use of this certificate to a fine of not more than $10,000, or to 
imprisonment for not more than 5 years, or both, together with costs of 


    (2) A purchase order, provided that all of the information required 
by paragraph (c)(1) of this section is included therein, is acceptable 
in lieu of a separate exemption certificate.
    (d) Resale of articles purchased tax free by a State or local 
government. If articles purchased tax free for the exclusive use of a 
State or local government are prior to use by the State or local 
government resold under circumstances that do not amount to an exclusive 
use by the State or local government (such as tires that are resold by a 
volunteer fire department to volunteer firemen), the parties responsible 
in the State or local government are required to inform the 
manufacturer, producer, or importer from whom the articles were 
purchased that they were disposed of in a manner that did not amount to 
an exclusive use by the State or local government. A willful failure to 
supply the manufacturer, producer, or importer with the information 
required by this subparagraph will subject responsible parties to the 
penalties provided by section 7203.

[T.D. 7536, 43 FR 13522, Mar. 31, 1978, as amended by T.D. 8036, 50 FR 
29963, July 23, 1985; T.D. 8659, 61 FR 10463, Mar. 14, 1996]