[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 26, Volume 15]
[Revised as of April 1, 2001]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 26CFR48.4081-7]

[Page 130-132]
                       TITLE 26--INTERNAL REVENUE
                       DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY
 Subpart H--Motor Vehicles, Tires, Tubes, Tread Rubber, and Taxable Fuel
Sec. 48.4081-7  Taxable fuel; conditions for refunds of taxable fuel tax under section 4081(e).

    (a) Overview. This section provides reporting requirements and other 
conditions that a person paying tax to the government under section 4081 
must satisfy to receive a refund (but not a credit) under section 
4081(e) with respect to taxable fuel on which a prior tax was paid to 
the government under section 4081. No credit against any tax imposed 
under the Internal Revenue Code is allowed under this section.
    (b) Conditions to allowance of refund. A claim for refund of tax 
imposed by section 4081 with respect to taxable fuel is allowed under 
section 4081(e) and this section only if--
    (1) A tax imposed by section 4081 with respect to the taxable fuel 
was paid to the government and not credited or refunded (the ``first 
    (2) After imposition of the first tax, another tax was imposed by 
section 4081 with respect to the same taxable fuel and was also paid to 
the government (the ``second tax'');
    (3) The person that paid the second tax to the government has filed 
a timely claim for refund that contains the information required under 
paragraph (d) of this section; and
    (4) The person that paid the first tax to the government has met the 
reporting requirements of paragraph (c) of this section.
    (c) Reporting requirements--(1) Reporting by persons paying the 
first tax. Except as provided in paragraph (c)(3) of this section, the 
person that paid the first tax under Sec. 48.4081-3 (the first taxpayer) 
must file a report that is in substantially the same form as the model 
report provided in paragraph (c)(2) of this section (or such other model 
report as the Commissioner may prescribe) and contains all information 
necessary to complete such model report (the first taxpayer's report). A 
first taxpayer's report must be filed with the return to which the 
report relates (or at such other time, or in such other manner, as 
prescribed by the Commissioner).
    (2) Model first taxpayer's report.

                         First Taxpayer's Report


First Taxpayer's name, address, and employer identification number


Name, address, and employer identification number of the buyer of the 
taxable fuel subject to tax


    Date and location of removal, entry, or sale


    Volume and type of taxable fuel removed, entered, or sold

5. Check type of taxable event:
    __________ Removal from refinery
    __________ Entry into United States
    __________ Bulk transfer from terminal by unregistered position 
    __________ Bulk transfer not received at an approved terminal
    __________ Sale within the bulk transfer/terminal system
    __________ Removal at the terminal rack
    __________ Removal or sale by the blender


    Amount of Federal excise tax paid on account of the removal, entry, 
or sale

    The undersigned taxpayer (the ``Taxpayer'') has not received, and 
will not claim, a credit with respect to, or a refund of, the tax on the 
taxable fuel to which this form relates.

[[Page 131]]

    Under penalties of perjury, the Taxpayer declares that Taxpayer has 
examined this statement, including any accompanying schedules and 
statements, and, to the best of Taxpayer's knowledge and belief, they 
are true, correct and complete.


Signature and date signed


Printed or typed name of person signing this report



    (3) Optional reporting for certain taxable events. Paragraph (c)(1) 
of this section does not apply with respect to a tax imposed under 
Sec. 48.4081-2 (removal at a terminal rack), Sec. 48.4081-3(c)(1)(ii) 
(nonbulk entries into the United States), or Sec. 48.4081-3(g) (removals 
or sales by blenders). However, if the person liable for the tax expects 
that another tax will be imposed under section 4081 with respect to the 
taxable fuel, that person should (but is not required to) file a first 
taxpayer's report.
    (4) Information provided to subsequent owners, etc.--(i) By person 
required to file first taxpayer's report. A first taxpayer required to 
file a first taxpayer's report under paragraph (c)(1) of this section 
must give a copy of the report to--
    (A) The person to whom the first taxpayer sells (within the meaning 
of Sec. 48.4081-1)) the taxable fuel within the bulk transfer/terminal 
system; or
    (B) The owner of the taxable fuel immediately before the imposition 
of the first tax, if the first taxpayer is not the owner at that time.
    (ii) By person filing optional first taxpayer's report. A first 
taxpayer filing a first taxpayer's report under paragraph (c)(3) of this 
section should (but is not required to) give a copy of the report to--
    (A) The person to whom the first taxpayer sells the taxable fuel; or
    (B) The owner of the taxable fuel immediately before the imposition 
of the first tax, if the first taxpayer is not the owner at that time.
    (iii) By person receiving first taxpayer's report. A person that 
receives a copy of the first taxpayer's report and subsequently sells 
(within the meaning of Sec. 48.4081-1)) the taxable fuel within the bulk 
transfer/terminal system must give the copy and a statement that 
satisfies the requirements of paragraph (c)(4)(iv) of this section to 
the buyer. A person that receives a copy of the first taxpayer's report 
and subsequently sells the taxable fuel outside the bulk transfer/
terminal system should (but is not required to) give the copy and a 
statement that satisfies the requirements of paragraph (c)(4)(iv) of 
this section to the buyer, if that person expects that another tax will 
be imposed under section 4081 with respect to the taxable fuel.
    (iv) Form of statement--(A) In general. A statement satisfies the 
requirements of this paragraph (c)(4)(iv) if it is provided at the 
bottom or on the back of the copy of the first taxpayer's report (or in 
an attached document). This statement must contain all information 
necessary to complete the model statement provided in paragraph 
(c)(4)(iv)(B) of this section (or such other model statement as the 
Commissioner may prescribe) but need not be in the same format.
    (B) Model statement describing subsequent sale.

                     Statement of Subsequent Seller



Name, address, and employer identification number of seller in 
subsequent sale



Name, address, and employer identification number of buyer in subsequent 


Date and location of subsequent sale


Volume and type of taxable fuel sold
    The undersigned seller (the ``Seller'') has received the copy of the 
first taxpayer's report provided with this statement in connection with 
Seller's purchase of the taxable fuel described in this statement.
    Under penalties of perjury, Seller declares that Seller has examined 
this statement, including any accompanying schedules and statements, 
and, to the best of Seller's knowledge and belief, they are true, 
correct and complete.


Signature and date signed


Printed or typed name of person signing this statement


[[Page 132]]


    (v) Sale to multiple buyers. If the first taxpayer's report relates 
to taxable fuel divided among more than one buyer, multiple copies of 
the first taxpayer's report must be made at the stage that the taxable 
fuel is divided and each buyer must be given a copy of the report.
    (d) Form and content of claim--(1) In general. The following rules 
apply to claims for refund under section 4081(e):
    (i) The claim must be made by the person that paid the second tax to 
the government and must include all the information described in 
paragraph (d)(2) of this section.
    (ii) The claim must be made on Form 8849 (or such other form as the 
Commissioner may designate) in accordance with the instructions on the 
form. The form should be marked Section 4081(e) Claim at the top. 
Section 4081(e) claims must not be included with a claim for a refund 
under any other provision of the Internal Revenue Code.
    (2) Information to be included in the claim. Each claim for a refund 
under section 4081(e) must contain the following information with 
respect to the taxable fuel covered by the claim:
    (i) Volume and type of taxable fuel.
    (ii) Date on which the claimant incurred the tax liability to which 
this claim relates (the second tax).
    (iii) Amount of second tax that claimant paid to the government and 
a statement that claimant has not included the amount of this tax in the 
sales price of the taxable fuel to which this claim relates and has not 
collected that amount from the person that bought the taxable fuel from 
    (iv) Name, address, and employer identification number of the person 
that paid the first tax to the government.
    (v) A copy of the first taxpayer's report that relates to the 
taxable fuel covered by the claim.
    (vi) If the taxable fuel covered by the claim was bought other than 
from the first taxpayer, a copy of the statement of subsequent seller 
that the claimant received with respect to that taxable fuel.
    (e) Time for filing claim. A claim for refund under section 4081(e) 
may be filed any time after the claimant has filed the return of the 
second tax and before the end of the period prescribed by section 6511 
for the filing of a claim for a refund.
    (f) Examples. The following examples illustrate the provisions of 
this section.

    Example 1. (i) A is a taxable fuel registrant that owns 10,000 
gallons of gasoline, and on April 5, 1996, is transporting the gasoline 
by barge on a waterway in the United States. That day, A sells the 
gasoline to B, a person that is not a taxable fuel registrant. A is 
liable for tax on the sale under Sec. 48.4081-3(f). A pays this tax to 
the government and attaches to its return of the gasoline tax for the 
2nd quarter of 1996 the first taxpayer's report described in paragraph 
(c) of this section. A also gives a copy of this report to B.
    (ii) On April 9, 1996, B sells the gasoline to C, a taxable fuel 
registrant. B also gives C a copy of the first taxpayer's report and the 
statement of subsequent seller (required under paragraph (c)(4) of this 
section). On April 14, 1996, the gasoline is removed from a terminal at 
the rack. C is the position holder of the gasoline at the time of the 
removal and thus is liable for tax on the removal under Sec. 48.4081-
2(c)(1). C pays this tax to the government.
    (iii) After C has filed a return of the second tax and before the 
end of the period prescribed by section 6511 for filing a claim for a 
refund, C files a claim for a refund of the second tax. The claim is in 
the form prescribed in paragraph (d)(2) of this section. C includes with 
its claim a copy of the first taxpayer's report and statement of 
subsequent seller. Because the conditions to allowance of a refund under 
paragraph (b) of this section have been met, C is allowed a refund of 
the second tax.
    Example 2. The facts are the same as in Example 1 except that A does 
not pay the tax to the government. Because the first tax was not paid to 
the government as required by paragraph (b)(1) of this section, the 
conditions to allowance of a refund under paragraph (b) of this section 
have not been met. Therefore, C is not allowed a refund of the second 

    (g) Effective date. This section is effective in the case of taxable 
fuel with respect to which the first tax is imposed after September 30, 

[T.D. 8421, 57 FR 32424, July 22, 1992, as amended by T.D. 8609, 60 FR 
40086, Aug. 7, 1995; T.D. 8659, 61 FR 10457, Mar. 14, 1996; T.D. 8879, 
65 FR 17157, Mar. 31, 2000]