[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 26, Volume 15]
[Revised as of April 1, 2001]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 26CFR48.4063-1]

[Page 103]
                       TITLE 26--INTERNAL REVENUE
                       DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY
 Subpart H--Motor Vehicles, Tires, Tubes, Tread Rubber, and Taxable Fuel
Sec. 48.4063-1  Tax-free sales of bodies to chassis manufacturers.

    Under the provisions of section 4063(b), the tax imposed by section 
4061(a) shall not apply to bodies sold by the manufacturer thereof to a 
manufacturer (but not an importer) of automobile trucks (as defined by 
Sec. 48.4061(a)-3(a)) to be sold by the purchaser. Thus, a manufacturer 
of automobile truck bodies is permitted to sell such bodies tax free to 
manufacturers of automobile truck chassis. This section does not apply 
with respect to the sale of an automobile truck chassis to manufacturers 
of automobile truck bodies. However, see Sec. 48.4061(a)-1(e) with 
respect to the sale of an automobile truck chassis for use in the 
manufacture or assembly of a nonhighway vehicle (within the meaning of 
Sec. 48.4061(a)-1(d)). In order to effect a tax-free sale of a body as 
provided in this section, both the seller and purchaser must comply with 
the registration and other requirements of section 4222 and the 
regulations thereunder. A chassis manufacturer who purchases a body tax 
free as provided in this section shall, for purposes of application of 
the tax imposed by section 4061(a), be considered the manufacturer of 
such body.

[T.D. 7461, 42 FR 2675, Jan. 13, 1977]