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New name for BW's reader collabo economic stimulus blog (arriving within days): Vox Stimuli
Ambinder on Chicago skuz: "It's like Fitzgerald hired David bleeping Mamet to write the indictment..."
Check out this 1934 composite of a dictator's face:
Taped a segment for Chicago Tonight, but I think they'll be busy with Gobernatorial hijinks (and worse). Maybe next week for Numerati.
Wrote a small piece on cybersecurity--and whether Obama'll invest stimulus funds into it. Kinda important.
Speaking soon (7:30) at Elmhurst Public Library outside Chicago. Still time to make it if you're in the western 'burbs.
Overheard @ laguardia: "I asked her like 5 times. I was like embarrassed. I was like forget it..."
Cabbie says he was speaking the Twi language of Ghana. Says the "chana" I heard was about Chinese rice. No such thing as chaka chaka.
In cab at 72nd + Park, listening to cabbie. His language features "chucka chucha" and "chana chana." Any guesses?
@BevBrown Be happy to talk about Numerati series at some point. Maybe next week. Today, flying out to Chicago. Thursday in Philadelphia. thx
RT @andismit Numerati on procrastination:
Going to be speaking at Elmhurst Public Library tonight, in Chicago. Please skip (or Tivo) Mon Night Football and come.
@paulgregorylang Are you in Phila? If so, please come to (free) Numerati event at Phila Free Library Thurs pm.
Reading Richard Rhodes' book on Mad Cow. V good writing. I'm trying to come up with ideas (tho I wouldn't pitch a book these days on m. cow)
Recession watch: Going to darn my sox today.
Juggernaut, Sanskrit for a giant carriage used to transport an image of the god Krishna. from word root list
@ggroovin Don't know about self-publishing nonfiction, but thinking of blogging my next nonfiction proposal and open-sourcing it.
Joel Achenbach's ode to late autumn, an unloved season. I love this guy's writing and wit:
Working to come to grips with more bad news from my publisher, Houghton-Mifflin Harcourt:
@jonfine's talk w M. Wolff on NYT's Sulzbergers, who are different from Dow Jones' Bancrofts. How? None of them work.


Evan Williams Blaine Cook Jason Goldman Maggie Mason Jerry Michalski Mary Hodder Ross tedr Dion Hinchcliffe Dave Winer Susan Scrupski Peter Huesken Megan McCarthy John Gruber joanne  mcneil Hugh MacLeod Jeremy Pepper Rex Hammock Jupe Steve Rubel dane Joe Pemberton Amit Agarwal Rodrigo SEPULVEDA Loic Le Meur hotdogsladies Pierre Omidyar bill allman Phil Gomes Dorai Thodla Mitch Joel Gabriel Gasparolo Ryan Steven Levy Frank Roche Chris Herbert
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