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Thinking vacation; hmmm Carib sailing again??
Let's see - Int'l drama, House drama, Prov. drama, and I barely started work too...
Winding up my guitar...
planning my next expedition
@Maureen that can be troubling... btw poems are haunting me
Awww - I envisioned something totally diff. Sounds fun but need warm & dry terrain methinks... tx for reply
@PaulaBrett a Terrain dancer!!! (me-thinks Google Earth browsing??)
active directory policy making
working for the weekend...
@h3athrow I've been thinking of seeing it - need more popcorn....
@albertle Have a good convention
@lane - chin up; you'll make it through...
@Kathy_Johnson ... in order of credibility?... ;)
they say Venus & Jupiter are going to be closer than ever for stargazers... hmmm a sign?
@harper sounds like you may have to have it made (shoemaker?)
outa here - release the hounds!!
@lane - have had problems with my pics being hijacked also... :(
@harper I think the field satchel & tool bag are totally diff. - being leather and the other canvas - (and one roundish and one square ;)


Blaine Cook davegray Lane Kathy Johnson Harper Maureen Evans randy stewart Heath Row Geoffrey Grosenbach Jemima Kiss Kelley Burrus Peter Price Michael Litman PaulaBrett albertle Harvey Griffin