Steve Woolf’s Favorites

THE_REAL_SHAQ Every succesful person owes somebody a thank you, just make sure u thank them Shaquille oneal
Jeff Macpherson
drtiki I liked the old economy better.
Scott Simpson
scottsimpson To honor certain archaic societies, our house features a menstrual hut. It's shaped like a Prius and I can cry there whenever I want.
GordonWSmythe Palin says she hopes God 'shows her the way' for 2012 election. Did he not just show you? Or do you and God like to play Best Of 3?
The @w00d
sarahatwood this is when two girls living together stinks...when we can't figure out why the TV is working. SUX!!
Veronica Belmont
Veronica It's not every day that someone you don't know walks up to your desk and hands you chocolate ice cream cake. Today is that day!!!
RobCzar Just realized I have 3 1/2 months before I turn 28 and lose the privilege to join the forever 27 club by committing suicide or overdosing.
Angela Sauceda
angelasauceda Just bought a bomb ass Members Only jacket, i'm awesome.
jay dedman
jaydedman Abortion. Yawn. McCain, as an old man, of course understands the issue since he has a gorgeous uterus. Really lovely.
Felicia Day
feliciaday Guild cast r at ESPN Zone say hi to OMG I jutlat ran into a lightpost while twitteing OUCH OMG
DaveSeger I've never had a boss tell me I made them jizz rainbows before today.
Chuck Olsen
Chuckumentary Did McCain fuck up the muxtape negotiations, too?
Zadi Diaz
Zadi Just left Arianna Huffington's house. Great personal chat. Amazing woman. Getting ready to leave for Ireland tomorrow. #tn2020
Angela Sauceda
angelasauceda Some new guy at work told me he was intimidated by me. So i laughed and walked away.
John Halcyon Styn
Halcyon you know it was a good party when, next day, you find Scrabble tiles in your stool.
Daniel Merlot
danielmerlot wow 2 different girl fights in one party -goth girl kikked the hipster girls ass-2nd fight rockabilly beat up a goth..!!
Scott Simpson
scottsimpson My wife on her Korean massage today: "She had me close my eyes, there was too much touching and I wanted to cry. Put that in your podcast."
Zadi Diaz
Zadi ...and the last thing I'll tweet tonight: "shit, piss, fuck, cunt, cocksucker, motherfucker, and tits." <3
Angela Sauceda
angelasauceda so glad the New Media Expo coincides with my high school reunion, I do not want to see those bitches.


seanbonner Xeni Jardin Joshua Kinberg michael lambie Scott Beale Kyle Ford Jim Kleckner Jackson West Justine Chris Brogan julien drew olanoff Justin Kownacki Chuck Olsen Veronica Belmont Jim Jim Long Zadi Diaz Susan Bre Pettis  C.C. Chapman tagami Mickipedia Eddie Codel Robert Scoble irina slutsky Schlomo Rabinowitz Kent Torrey Anil Dash Jane Quigley Rex Sorgatz andy sternberg Sarah Austin taulpaul dearsarah
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