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@sofile nice, monitor too? if so, take care of it.
I'm having the MOST INCREDIBLE CHILI EVER at Laika right now. If you're nearby, come get it. Seriously. It's great.
@MikeWills i have Opera and I do use it... not in love though. Re: Chrome, I feel weird about the stuff it sends back to Google.
Malware on Firefox... should we be using another low-marketshare browser for banking?
@cspenn i would even say "community service."
guys, i have a problem... SANDY is dying. what are you guys replacing her with?
Chris wrote yesterday: "We think Etiquette is the new black." Fuck yeah.
@shiftk what's good what's good!
kurt where are you! i can't find you anywhere dammit.
@graywolf i have a plugin you mentioned wanting earlier this year if you'd like.
@isfan go find a few songs on itunes or whatever, it'll bring you back man
listening to Charles Aznavour
hey are there any icon designers out there? i need something simple.
it aint looking good for kanye, sorry to say.
trying to decide if i like 808s & Heartbreak


Biz Stone noah seanbonner Nick Douglas Tara missrogue Hunt Dan Patterson Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Daniel Johnson, Jr. Brian Del Vecchio Pete Prodoehl wyclif Justine Chris Brogan Adam Weiss Bob Goyetche kristen crusius Kevin Kennedy-Spaien Whitney Hoffman Brian Conley Steve Woolf Dave LaMorte chris connors Matt John Federico Michael Bailey Beth Kanter Alex Rudloff John Wall Dan York Jay Moonah Becky McCray Alan Weinkrantz Brian Clark Andrea Mercado
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