Nelson Minar’s Favorites

President Monteiro
Mike_FTW Anderson Cooper is gonna get so much pussy tonight.
Peter Berger
peterb @bbum But what you gain is you never have to roll your eyes when someone refuses to branch because "merging is too hard."
President Monteiro
Mike_FTW @califmom 'Faving' is the 'funnest' word there is.
President Monteiro
Mike_FTW Now thinking The Road was a How-To book. Awesome.
hotdogsladies NPR reminds us how personally rewarding it can be to empathize with interesting poor people for as long as eight minutes.
hotdogsladies I'll bet it's hard for Ben Linus to get decent insurance.
hotdogsladies Every time "O, Fortuna" plays, a Dungeon Master gets his wings.
Joshua Green Allen
fireland Is it still a "martini" if it's made from Kahlua and zesty ranch dressing? Bennigan's says yes but my heart says fuck you I quit.
hotdogsladies #TED Oh shit. What day is it? Just woke up in bathtub full of ice cubes. Kidney gone. Wait--where'd Maya Angelou go? Maya?! MAAAAA-YAAAAA!!!
hotdogsladies And it's not that seeing breastfeeding is weird. It's about expectations. I offered the guy a cool iced tea, then handed him a hot Mr. Pibb.
Matt Haughey
mathowie Obama's got real Joementum now.
hotdogsladies _LOST_ video game should involve Ben shooting you, inexplicably regaining your trust, then repeatedly shooting you again. Forever.
Jeremy Zawodny
jzawodn now where did I put that .NET book, anyway?
Evan Williams
ev we agreed to go out with Crystoe but all we got was Toe
hotdogsladies Even if you vomit only "a little," it's unwholesome to be throwing up that often in your mouth. Has your Dr. ruled out cliche poisoning?
hotdogsladies "Usr bin Crontab" would be a terrible name for an Islamist super-villain.


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone crystal Tony Stubblebine Evan Williams Dom Sagolla Alissa Steve Jenson Marc Hedlund Blaine Cook Jason Goldman Chris Wetherell Eric Case veen Jason Shellen danah boyd President Monteiro Michael Buffington lane joshua schachter Stewart Butterfield Cal Henderson Jeffrey McManus Beth Tom Coates Andy Baio Alex Payne Sutter Anil Dash Terry Jones mbostock Chris DiBona Status Updates Technodaddy Jeremy Zawodny Britt Selvitelle