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Demerit Point System

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DMV driver records use codes to list violations, withdrawals and courts. See our Online Code Search, the Nevada Court Directory and the following PDF files:

Major traffic offenses such as DUI or causing substantial bodily harm are not assigned demerit points. These offenses result in automatic revocation or suspension of your license. See License Suspensions & Revocations.

Blue Dot  General Information

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The Nevada DMV operates an extensive demerit point system as part of our driver improvement program. When we receive a conviction notice from a court, the offense is entered on your driving record and demerit points are assigned. When 12 months have elapsed from the date of a conviction, the demerits for that violation are deleted from the total demerits accumulated. Convictions remain part of your permanent driving record.

You will receive a mailed notification from the DMV's Driver License Review Section when you reach 3 or more points. If you have accumulated between 3 and 11 points, you may have 3 points removed by completing a DMV-approved traffic safety course only if the course is not part of a plea-bargain agreement with a court of law. 

When you receive 12 or more points in any 12-month period, your driver license is automatically suspended for 6 months. You will be mailed a certified letter before your license is suspended and have the right to a hearing through the Office of Administrative Hearings.

Please be sure we have your correct address. See Address Changes.

Blue Dot  Offenses and Point Values

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The following is a partial list of traffic violations, showing the demerit points that are assigned to your driving record. If you have a Commercial Driver License, there are additional penalties for some violations and additional demerit points may be assigned.

Reckless Driving 8 Speeding  
Careless Driving 6 1 - 10 mph over posted limit 1
Failure to give information or render aid at the scene of an accident 6 11 - 20 mph over posted limit 2
Following too closely 4 21 - 30 mph over posted limit 3
Failure to yield right-of-way 4 31 - 40 mph over posted limit 4
Passing a school bus when signals are flashing 4 41 mph or more over posted limit 5
Failure to yield to a pedestrian 4 See Violation Codes for a complete list
of offenses and points.
Disobeying a traffic signal or stop sign 4
Impeding traffic, driving too slowly 2
Failure to dim headlights 2

Blue Dot Attending Traffic Safety School

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If you have accumulated between 3 and 11 points you may have 3 points removed by completing a traffic safety course only if the course is not part of a plea-bargain agreement with a court of law. If the course is required to complete a plea bargain with a court, no credit is given.

The school must be one of those approved by DMV. You may attend traffic school only once in a 12-month period to remove points from your record.

Attending traffic safety school removes 3 demerit points. However, the record of the conviction remains part of your driving history.

See Traffic Safety Schools for a list of DMV-certified schools. Schools report course completions directly to DMV.

Blue Dot  Out-of-State Issues & Answers

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Nevada residents who received a citation in another state - Contact the court of jurisdiction as listed on the citation for possible plea bargain arrangements. Any conviction will become part of your Nevada driving record. Out-of-state convictions do not generate demerit points. 

Residents of another state who received a citation in Nevada - Contact the court of jurisdiction as listed on the citation for possible plea bargain arrangements. Nevada courts may or may not accept out-of-state schools. If you have already paid the citation or have been convicted of an offense, you should contact your home state DMV for their policy on demerit points and traffic safety schools. See Links to All 50 State DMV's. There is no need to contact the Nevada DMV.

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