[Rev. 10/4/2007 6:12:22 PM]



NRS 481.015            Definitions; exceptions.


NRS 481.019            Creation; powers and duties.

NRS 481.023            Administration of laws by Department; exceptions.

NRS 481.027            General functions of Department of Motor Vehicles and Department of Transportation respecting state highways.

NRS 481.031            Office of Director of Department created.

NRS 481.035            Director of Department: Appointment; classification; other employment prohibited; employment of deputies and staff.

NRS 481.047            Appointment of personnel.

NRS 481.0473          Divisions of Department.

NRS 481.0475          Duties of Administrative Services Division.

NRS 481.048            Division of Compliance Enforcement: Appointment and duties of investigators.

NRS 481.0481          Section for Control of Emissions From Vehicles and Enforcement of Matters Related to Use of Special Fuel: Creation; appointment and duties of investigators, officers and technicians.

NRS 481.051            Powers and duties of Director: Generally.

NRS 481.0515          Powers and duties of Director: References to names of persons in documents and records.

NRS 481.052            Powers and duties of Director: Adoption of definition of “seasonal resident” by regulation. [Effective until the effective date of the regulations issued by the Secretary of Homeland Security to implement the provisions of the Real ID Act of 2005, or until the date of expiration of any extension of time granted to this State by the Secretary of Homeland Security to comply with the provisions of the Real ID Act of 2005, or until May 11, 2008, whichever is later.]

NRS 481.052            Powers and duties of Director: Adoption of definitions of certain terms by regulation. [Effective on the effective date of the regulations issued by the Secretary of Homeland Security to implement the provisions of the Real ID Act of 2005, or on the date of expiration of any extension of time granted to this State by the Secretary of Homeland Security to comply with the provisions of the Real ID Act of 2005, or until May 11, 2008, whichever is later.]

NRS 481.0535          Powers and duties of Director: Expenditure of appropriations to assist certain entities to purchase and obtain evidence; receipt and safekeeping of money.

NRS 481.055            Department to keep main office in Carson City; maintenance of branch offices.

NRS 481.057            Offices of Department: Extended hours of operation.

NRS 481.063            Collection and deposit of fees for publications of Department and private use of files and records of Department; limitations on release and use of files and records; regulations.

NRS 481.065            Acceptance of donations for programs for traffic safety.

NRS 481.079            Money collected to be deposited in Motor Vehicle Fund; exception; dishonored payments; adjustment of deposits.

NRS 481.081            Arrearage in tax, fee or assessment administered by Department: Department authorized to file certificate; certificate as lien; extension of lien.

NRS 481.082            Arrearage in tax, fee or assessment administered by Department: Release or subordination of lien; certificate issued by Department as conclusive evidence.

NRS 481.083            Money for administration of chapter; claims.

NRS 481.087            Administrative expenses deemed cost of administration of operation of motor vehicles on public highways.


NOTE:                     The section added to chapter 481 by section 2 of chapter 333, Statutes of Nevada 1999, has been codified as NRS 289.600.



      NRS 481.015  Definitions; exceptions.

      1.  Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, as used in this title, unless the context otherwise requires, “certificate of title” means the document issued by the Department that identifies the legal owner of a vehicle and contains the information required pursuant to subsection 2 of NRS 482.245. The definition set forth in this subsection does not apply to chapters 488 and 489 of NRS.

      2.  Except as otherwise provided in chapter 480 of NRS, NRS 484.388 to 484.3888, inclusive, 486.363 to 486.377, inclusive, and chapters 486A, 488 and 490 of NRS, as used in this title, unless the context otherwise requires:

      (a) “Department” means the Department of Motor Vehicles.

      (b) “Director” means the Director of the Department of Motor Vehicles.

      (Added to NRS by 1957, 608; A 1985, 1930; 2001, 2541; 2003, 416, 453; 2005, 58)


      NRS 481.019  Creation; powers and duties.

      1.  The Department of Motor Vehicles is hereby created.

      2.  The Department is vested with the powers and authority provided in this chapter and shall carry out the purposes of this chapter.

      (Added to NRS by 1957, 609; A 1985, 1930; 2001, 2542)

      NRS 481.023  Administration of laws by Department; exceptions.

      1.  Except as otherwise provided in this section and in the provisions of law described in this section, the Department shall execute, administer and enforce, and perform the functions and duties provided in:

      (a) Chapter 108 of NRS, and perform such duties and exercise such powers relating to liens on vehicles as may be conferred upon it pursuant to chapter 108 of NRS or the provisions of any other law.

      (b) Chapters 360A, 365, 366, 371 and 373 of NRS, relating to the imposition and collection of taxes on motor fuels.

      (c) Chapters 481, 482 to 486, inclusive, and 487 of NRS, relating to motor vehicles. The Department shall not execute, administer or enforce, or perform the functions or duties provided in NRS 486.363 to 486.377, inclusive, relating to the education and safety of motorcycle riders.

      (d) Chapter 706 of NRS relating to licensing of motor vehicle carriers and the use of public highways by those carriers.

      (e) The provisions of NRS 426.401 to 426.461, inclusive.

      2.  The Department shall perform such other duties and exercise such other powers as may be conferred upon the Department.

      (Added to NRS by 1957, 609; A 1959, 628; 1965, 1059; 1979, 576; 1981, 2004; 1985, 1930; 1987, 1756; 1989, 1685; 1993, 1637; 1999, 1159; 2001, 2542; 2003, 416)

      NRS 481.027  General functions of Department of Motor Vehicles and Department of Transportation respecting state highways.  The Department of Motor Vehicles shall control the manner and type of use of the state highways by the public, and the Department of Transportation shall control the physical aspects of the state highways.

      (Added to NRS by 1957, 609; A 1979, 1801; 1985, 1921, 1930; 2001, 2542)

      NRS 481.031  Office of Director of Department created.  The Office of Director of the Department of Motor Vehicles is hereby created.

      (Added to NRS by 1957, 609; A 1985, 1931; 2001, 2543)

      NRS 481.035  Director of Department: Appointment; classification; other employment prohibited; employment of deputies and staff.

      1.  The Director:

      (a) Is appointed by and serves at the pleasure of the Governor;

      (b) Must be appointed with special reference to his training, experience, capacity and interest in the field of administration or the administering of laws relating to motor vehicles;

      (c) Is in the unclassified service of the State; and

      (d) Shall devote his entire time and attention to the business of his office and shall not pursue any other business or occupation or hold any other office of profit.

      2.  The Director may, within the limits of legislative appropriations, employ such deputy directors as may be needed for the administration of the Department. A deputy director:

      (a) Must be appointed with special reference to his training, experience, capacity and interest in the field of administration or the administering of laws relating to motor vehicles;

      (b) Is in the unclassified service of the State;

      (c) Except as otherwise provided in NRS 284.143, shall devote his entire time and attention to the business of his office and shall not pursue any other business or occupation or hold any other office of profit;

      (d) Shall administer the laws relating to motor vehicles and the licensing of drivers, as provided in NRS 481.0475, 481.048 and 481.0481; and

      (e) Shall maintain records and other information relating to motor vehicles and the licensing of drivers, as provided in NRS 481.0475, 481.048 and 481.0481.

      3.  The Director may employ, within the limits of legislative appropriations, such administrators, managers, specialists, investigators and staff, who are employed in the classified service of the State, as the Director determines to be necessary to carry out the duties of the Department.

      (Added to NRS by 1957, 609; A 1967, 1500; 1971, 1439; 1981, 1282; 1985, 430, 1931; 1991, 914; 1993, 2536; 1995, 2315; 2001, 2543)

      NRS 481.047  Appointment of personnel.  The Director shall appoint such technical, clerical and operational staff as the execution of his duties and the operation of the Department may require.

      (Added to NRS by 1957, 610; A 1985, 431)

      NRS 481.0473  Divisions of Department.  The Department consists of:

      1.  A Division of the Office of the Director;

      2.  A Division of Compliance Enforcement;

      3.  A Division of Field Services;

      4.  A Division of Central Services and Records;

      5.  A Division of Management Services and Programs;

      6.  A Division of Information Technology;

      7.  An Administrative Services Division; and

      8.  A Motor Carrier Division.

      (Added to NRS by 1957, 611; A 1959, 628; 1961, 71; 1965, 90; 1973, 90; 1979, 576; 1981, 845, 2005; 1991, 915; 1993, 1639; 1995, 579, 2304; 1999, 3574; 2001, 2543; 2005, 91)

      NRS 481.0475  Duties of Administrative Services Division.  The Administrative Services Division shall furnish fiscal, accounting and other administrative services to the Director and the various divisions, and advise and assist the Director and the various divisions in carrying out their functions and responsibilities.

      (Added to NRS by 1957, 611; A 1959, 628; 1965, 90; 1973, 90; 1981, 845, 2005; 1985, 1933; 1991, 915; 1993, 1639, 2671; 1995, 720, 2304; 1999, 3574; 2001, 2544)

      NRS 481.048  Division of Compliance Enforcement: Appointment and duties of investigators.

      1.  The Director shall appoint, within the limits of legislative appropriations, investigators for the Division of Compliance Enforcement.

      2.  The duties of the investigators are to travel the State and:

      (a) Act as investigators in the enforcement of the provisions of chapters 482 and 487 of NRS, NRS 108.265 to 108.367, inclusive, and 108.440 to 108.500, inclusive, as those sections pertain to motor vehicles, trailers, motorcycles, recreational vehicles and semitrailers, as defined in chapter 482 of NRS.

      (b) Act as advisers to any business licensed by the Department in connection with any problems arising under the provisions of chapters 108, 482, 483 and 487 of NRS.

      (c) Advise and assist personnel of the Nevada Highway Patrol in the enforcement of traffic laws and motor vehicle registration laws as they pertain to any business licensed by the Department.

      (d) Act as investigators in the enforcement of the provisions of NRS 483.700 to 483.780, inclusive, relating to the licensing of schools and instructors for training drivers.

      (e) Exercise their police powers in the enforcement of the laws of this State to prevent acts of fraud or other abuses in connection with the provision of services offered to the public by the Department.

      (f) Perform such other duties as may be imposed by the Director.

      (Added to NRS by 1963, 1277; A 1971, 2081; 1973, 90, 1072, 1584; 1975, 1198; 1977, 1348; 1979, 1222; 1983, 1241; 1985, 431, 1931; 1993, 2536; 1999, 3571; 2001, 2545; 2007, 3198)

      NRS 481.0481  Section for Control of Emissions From Vehicles and Enforcement of Matters Related to Use of Special Fuel: Creation; appointment and duties of investigators, officers and technicians.

      1.  There is hereby created within the Department a Section for the Control of Emissions From Vehicles and the Enforcement of Matters Related to the Use of Special Fuel.

      2.  The Director shall, within the limits of legislative appropriations, appoint to the Section investigators, officers and technicians for:

      (a) The control of emissions from vehicles; and

      (b) The enforcement of matters related to the use of special fuel.

      3.  The duties of the investigators, officers and technicians are to travel the State and:

      (a) Act as agents and inspectors in the enforcement of the provisions of chapter 366 of NRS, NRS 445B.700 to 445B.845, inclusive, chapter 482 of NRS, and NRS 484.644 and 484.6441.

      (b) Cooperate with the Division of Environmental Protection of the State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources in all matters pertaining to the control of emissions from vehicles.

      (c) Cooperate and coordinate with the personnel of the Nevada Highway Patrol in all matters pertaining to the enforcement of the provisions of chapter 366 of NRS as those provisions relate to the use of special fuel by motor vehicles.

      (d) Perform such other duties as may be imposed by the Director.

      4.  As used in this section, “special fuel” has the meaning ascribed to it in NRS 366.060.

      (Added to NRS by 1975, 1343; A 1977, 1148; 1985, 1932; 1993, 2537; 1999, 3572; 2001, 2546; 2003, 2525)

      NRS 481.051  Powers and duties of Director: Generally.

      1.  The Director shall direct and supervise all administrative and technical activities of the Department.

      2.  The Director may organize the Department into various divisions, alter the organization and reassign responsibilities and duties as he deems appropriate.

      3.  The Director shall:

      (a) Formulate the policy of the Department and the various divisions thereof.

      (b) Coordinate the activities of the various divisions of the Department.

      (c) Adopt such regulations consistent with law as he deems necessary for the operation of the Department and the enforcement of all laws administered by the Department.

      4.  The Director may appoint vendors to serve as agents of the Department to sell temporary permits. The vendor shall collect the fees for the permits issued pursuant to chapter 706 of NRS and pay them to the Department. The vendor shall guarantee payment by giving a bond in an amount not less than $25,000, executed by the vendor as principal, and by a corporation qualified pursuant to the laws of this State as surety, payable to the State of Nevada. In lieu of a bond, the vendor may deposit with the State Treasurer a like amount of lawful money of the United States or any other form of security authorized by NRS 100.065. If security is provided in the form of a savings certificate, certificate of deposit or investment certificate, the certificate must state that the amount is not available for withdrawal except upon approval of the Director. Upon approval of the Governor, the Director may appoint inspectors of the Nevada Transportation Authority and personnel of the Nevada Highway Patrol Division of the Department of Public Safety to serve without remuneration as vendors for the purposes of this subsection.

      5.  The Director may delegate to the officers and employees of the Department such authorities and responsibilities not otherwise delegated by law as he deems necessary for the efficient conduct of the business of the Department.

      (Added to NRS by 1957, 610; A 1960, 65; 1963, 884; 1965, 566; 1981, 1057; 1983, 1000; 1985, 300, 1932; 1987, 493; 1989, 1075; 1993, 2537; 1995, 317; 1997, 2005; 2001, 2546)

      NRS 481.0515  Powers and duties of Director: References to names of persons in documents and records.

      1.   Except as otherwise provided in subsection 2, the Director shall ensure that whenever a document is required by law to include the name of a person, the document sets forth the full legal name of that person.

      2.  The provisions of this section do not require the Director to alter, amend or otherwise change any documents that were created before October 1, 2003.

      3.  The Director may take any action he deems reasonable to facilitate achieving uniformity in the manner in which the documents and records of the Department refer to a particular person by name.

      4.  As used in this section:

      (a) “Certificate of registration” means the certificate described in subsection 1 of NRS 482.245.

      (b) “Document” means any:

             (1) Application or record that a person is required to file with or submit to the Department;

             (2) Card, certificate or license that the Department issues to a person; and

             (3) Record that the Department is required to keep or maintain.

Ê The term includes, without limitation, a certificate of registration, certificate of title, driver’s license and identification card, and an application or record pertaining to any such certificate, license or card.

      (Added to NRS by 2003, 453)

      NRS 481.052  Powers and duties of Director: Adoption of definition of “seasonal resident” by regulation. [Effective until the effective date of the regulations issued by the Secretary of Homeland Security to implement the provisions of the Real ID Act of 2005, or until the date of expiration of any extension of time granted to this State by the Secretary of Homeland Security to comply with the provisions of the Real ID Act of 2005, or until May 11, 2008, whichever is later.]  The Director shall, by regulation, define “seasonal resident” as the term is used in chapters 482 and 483 of NRS.

      (Added to NRS by 1997, 2987)

      NRS 481.052  Powers and duties of Director: Adoption of definitions of certain terms by regulation. [Effective on the effective date of the regulations issued by the Secretary of Homeland Security to implement the provisions of the Real ID Act of 2005, or on the date of expiration of any extension of time granted to this State by the Secretary of Homeland Security to comply with the provisions of the Real ID Act of 2005, or until May 11, 2008, whichever is later.]  The Director shall, by regulation, define:

      1.  “Address of principal residence” as the term is used in chapters 483 and 486 of NRS;

      2.  “Conviction” as the term is used in NRS 483.010 to NRS 483.630, inclusive;

      3.  “Full legal name” as the term is used in chapters 483 and 486 of NRS; and

      4.  “Seasonal resident” as the term is used in chapters 482 and 483 of NRS.

      (Added to NRS by 1997, 2987; A 2007, 2782, effective on the effective date of the regulations issued by the Secretary of Homeland Security to implement the provisions of the Real ID Act of 2005, or on the date of expiration of any extension of time granted to this State by the Secretary of Homeland Security to comply with the provisions of the Real ID Act of 2005, or until May 11, 2008, whichever is later)

      NRS 481.0535  Powers and duties of Director: Expenditure of appropriations to assist certain entities to purchase and obtain evidence; receipt and safekeeping of money.

      1.  The Director may expend money that the Legislature appropriates to assist local law enforcement agencies or the Division of Compliance Enforcement of the Department in the purchase of evidence and in employing persons other than peace officers to obtain that evidence.

      2.  Upon receiving a written request from the Director, or his designee, for money appropriated for a purpose specified in subsection 1, the State Controller shall:

      (a) Draw his warrant, payable to the Department; or

      (b) Electronically transfer money to the appropriate account of the Department,

Ê as appropriate, in an amount which does not exceed any limit set by the Legislature in the appropriation.

      3.  The Director may keep money which he has drawn pursuant to this section in accounts in one or more banks or credit unions or in cash.

      (Added to NRS by 2005, 1239)

      NRS 481.055  Department to keep main office in Carson City; maintenance of branch offices.

      1.  The Department shall keep its main office at Carson City, Nevada, in rooms provided by the Buildings and Grounds Division of the Department of Administration.

      2.  The Department may maintain such branch offices throughout the State as the Director may deem necessary to the efficient operation of the Department and the various divisions thereof. The Director is authorized, on behalf of the Department, to enter into such leases or other agreements as may be necessary to the establishment of such branch offices.

      (Added to NRS by 1957, 610; A 1963, 1070; 1973, 1475; 1993, 1639)

      NRS 481.057  Offices of Department: Extended hours of operation.  In a county whose population is 100,000 or more, the Director may arrange for offices of the Department to remain open on Saturdays and Sundays and at hours other than 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

      (Added to NRS by 1963, 216; A 1969, 1544; 1979, 552; 1999, 3574; 2001, 2547)

      NRS 481.063  Collection and deposit of fees for publications of Department and private use of files and records of Department; limitations on release and use of files and records; regulations.

      1.  The Director may charge and collect reasonable fees for official publications of the Department and from persons making use of files and records of the Department or its various divisions for a private purpose. All money so collected must be deposited in the State Treasury for credit to the Motor Vehicle Fund.

      2.  Except as otherwise provided in subsection 5, the Director may release personal information, except a photograph, from a file or record relating to the driver’s license, identification card, or title or registration of a vehicle of a person if the requester submits a written release from the person who holds a lien on the vehicle, or an agent of that person, or the person about whom the information is requested which is dated not more than 90 days before the date of the request. The written release must be in a form required by the Director.

      3.  Except as otherwise provided in subsection 2, the Director shall not release to any person who is not a representative of the Division of Welfare and Supportive Services of the Department of Health and Human Services or an officer, employee or agent of a law enforcement agency, an agent of the public defender’s office or an agency of a local government which collects fines imposed for parking violations, who is not conducting an investigation pursuant to NRS 253.0415, 253.044 or 253.220, who is not authorized to transact insurance pursuant to chapter 680A of NRS or who is not licensed as a private investigator pursuant to chapter 648 of NRS and conducting an investigation of an insurance claim:

      (a) A list which includes license plate numbers combined with any other information in the records or files of the Department;

      (b) The social security number of any person, if it is requested to facilitate the solicitation of that person to purchase a product or service; or

      (c) The name, address, telephone number or any other personally identifiable information if the information is requested by the presentation of a license plate number.

Ê When such personally identifiable information is requested of a law enforcement agency by the presentation of a license plate number, the law enforcement agency shall conduct an investigation regarding the person about whom information is being requested or, as soon as practicable, provide the requester with the requested information if the requester officially reports that the motor vehicle bearing that license plate was used in a violation of NRS 205.240, 205.345, 205.380 or 205.445.

      4.  Except as otherwise provided in subsections 2 and 5, the Director shall not release any personal information from a file or record relating to a driver’s license, identification card, or title or registration of a vehicle.

      5.  Except as otherwise provided in paragraph (a) and subsection 6, if a person or governmental entity provides a description of the information requested and its proposed use and signs an affidavit to that effect, the Director may release any personal information, except a photograph, from a file or record relating to a driver’s license, identification card, or title or registration of a vehicle for use:

      (a) By any governmental entity, including, but not limited to, any court or law enforcement agency, in carrying out its functions, or any person acting on behalf of a federal, state or local governmental agency in carrying out its functions. The personal information may include a photograph from a file or record relating to a driver’s license, identification card, or title or registration of a vehicle.

      (b) In connection with any civil, criminal, administrative or arbitration proceeding before any federal or state court, regulatory body, board, commission or agency, including, but not limited to, use for service of process, investigation in anticipation of litigation, and execution or enforcement of judgments and orders, or pursuant to an order of a federal or state court.

      (c) In connection with matters relating to:

             (1) The safety of drivers of motor vehicles;

             (2) Safety and thefts of motor vehicles;

             (3) Emissions from motor vehicles;

             (4) Alterations of products related to motor vehicles;

             (5) An advisory notice relating to a motor vehicle or the recall of a motor vehicle;

             (6) Monitoring the performance of motor vehicles;

             (7) Parts or accessories of motor vehicles;

             (8) Dealers of motor vehicles; or

             (9) Removal of nonowner records from the original records of motor vehicle manufacturers.

      (d) By any insurer, self-insurer or organization that provides assistance or support to an insurer or self-insurer or its agents, employees or contractors, in connection with activities relating to the rating, underwriting or investigation of claims or the prevention of fraud.

      (e) In providing notice to the owners of vehicles that have been towed, repossessed or impounded.

      (f) By an employer or its agent or insurer to obtain or verify information relating to a holder of a commercial driver’s license who is employed by or has applied for employment with the employer.

      (g) By a private investigator, private patrolman or security consultant who is licensed pursuant to chapter 648 of NRS, for any use permitted pursuant to this section.

      (h) By a reporter or editorial employee who is employed by or affiliated with any newspaper, press association or commercially operated, federally licensed radio or television station for a journalistic purpose. The Department may not make any inquiries regarding the use of or reason for the information requested other than whether the information will be used for a journalistic purpose.

      (i) In connection with an investigation conducted pursuant to NRS 253.0415, 253.044 or 253.220.

      (j) In activities relating to research and the production of statistical reports, if the personal information will not be published or otherwise redisclosed, or used to contact any person.

      (k) In the bulk distribution of surveys, marketing material or solicitations, if the Director has adopted policies and procedures to ensure that:

             (1) The information will be used or sold only for use in the bulk distribution of surveys, marketing material or solicitations;

             (2) Each person about whom the information is requested has clearly been provided with an opportunity to authorize such a use; and

             (3) If the person about whom the information is requested does not authorize such a use, the bulk distribution will not be directed toward that person.

      6.  Except as otherwise provided in paragraph (j) of subsection 5, a person who requests and receives personal information may sell or disclose that information only for a use permitted pursuant to subsection 5. Such a person shall keep and maintain for 5 years a record of:

      (a) Each person to whom the information is provided; and

      (b) The purpose for which that person will use the information.

Ê The record must be made available for examination by the Department at all reasonable times upon request.

      7.  Except as otherwise provided in subsection 2, the Director may deny any use of the files and records if he reasonably believes that the information taken may be used for an unwarranted invasion of a particular person’s privacy.

      8.  Except as otherwise provided in NRS 485.316, the Director shall not allow any person to make use of information retrieved from the database created pursuant to NRS 485.313 for a private purpose and shall not in any other way release any information retrieved from that database.

      9.  The Director shall adopt such regulations as he deems necessary to carry out the purposes of this section. In addition, the Director shall, by regulation, establish a procedure whereby a person who is requesting personal information may establish an account with the Department to facilitate his ability to request information electronically or by written request if he has submitted to the Department proof of his employment or licensure, as applicable, and a signed and notarized affidavit acknowledging:

      (a) That he has read and fully understands the current laws and regulations regarding the manner in which information from the Department’s files and records may be obtained and the limited uses which are permitted;

      (b) That he understands that any sale or disclosure of information so obtained must be in accordance with the provisions of this section;

      (c) That he understands that a record will be maintained by the Department of any information he requests; and

      (d) That he understands that a violation of the provisions of this section is a criminal offense.

      10.  It is unlawful for any person to:

      (a) Make a false representation to obtain any information from the files or records of the Department.

      (b) Knowingly obtain or disclose any information from the files or records of the Department for any use not permitted by the provisions of this chapter.

      11.  As used in this section, “personal information” means information that reveals the identity of a person, including, without limitation, his photograph, social security number, driver’s license number, identification card number, name, address, telephone number or information regarding a medical condition or disability. The term does not include the zip code of a person when separate from his full address, information regarding vehicular accidents or driving violations in which he has been involved or other information otherwise affecting his status as a driver.

      (Added to NRS by 1957, 611; A 1975, 210; 1979, 1118; 1981, 1590; 1985, 686; 1989, 473; 1993, 2479; 1995, 1926; 1997, 65, 312, 2342; 1999, 1932; 2001, 909; 2003, 454)

      NRS 481.065  Acceptance of donations for programs for traffic safety.  The Department is authorized to accept donations of money, labor and materials to be used in traffic safety programs.

      (Added to NRS by 1965, 376)

      NRS 481.079  Money collected to be deposited in Motor Vehicle Fund; exception; dishonored payments; adjustment of deposits.

      1.  Except as otherwise provided by specific statute, all taxes, license fees and money collected by the Department must be deposited with the State Treasurer to the credit of the Motor Vehicle Fund.

      2.  If a check or any other method of payment accepted by the Department in payment of such fees is returned to the Department or otherwise dishonored upon presentation for payment:

      (a) The drawer or any other person responsible for payment of the fee is subject to a fee in the amount established by the State Controller pursuant to NRS 353C.115 in addition to any other penalties provided by law; and

      (b) The Department may require that future payments from the person be made by cashier’s check, money order, traveler’s check or cash.

      3.  The Department may adjust the amount of a deposit made with the State Treasurer to the credit of the Motor Vehicle Fund for any cash shortage or overage resulting from the collection of fees.

      (Added to NRS by 1957, 612; A 1975, 210; 1983, 1241; 1985, 1934; 1997, 318; 2001, 708; 2003, 20th Special Session, 213; 2005, 590)

      NRS 481.081  Arrearage in tax, fee or assessment administered by Department: Department authorized to file certificate; certificate as lien; extension of lien.

      1.  If any tax, fee or assessment administered by the Department is not paid when due, the Department may, within 3 years after the date that the tax, fee or assessment was due, file for record a certificate in the office of any county recorder which states:

      (a) The amount of the tax, fee or assessment and any interest or penalties due;

      (b) The name and address of the person who is liable for the amount due as they appear on the records of the Department; and

      (c) That the Department has complied with all procedures required by law for determining the amount due.

      2.  From the time of the filing of the certificate, the amount due, including interest and penalties, constitutes a lien upon all real and personal property in the county owned by the person or acquired by him afterwards and before the lien expires. The lien has the effect and priority of a judgment lien and continues for 5 years after the time of the filing of the certificate unless sooner released or otherwise discharged.

      3.  Within 5 years after the date of the filing of the certificate or within 5 years after the date of the last extension of the lien pursuant to this subsection, as appropriate, the lien may be extended by filing for record a new certificate in the office of the county recorder of any county. From the time of filing, the lien is extended to all real and personal property in the county owned by the person or acquired by him afterwards for 5 years, unless sooner released or otherwise discharged.

      (Added to NRS by 1999, 154)

      NRS 481.082  Arrearage in tax, fee or assessment administered by Department: Release or subordination of lien; certificate issued by Department as conclusive evidence.

      1.  The Department may release all or any portion of the property subject to a lien imposed by the department pursuant to NRS 481.081 or subordinate the lien to other liens and encumbrances if the Department determines that the amount, interest and penalties are secured sufficiently by a lien on other property or that the release or subordination of the lien will not jeopardize the collection of the amount, interest and penalties.

      2.  A certificate issued by the Department stating that property has been released from a lien, or that a lien has been subordinated to other liens and encumbrances, is conclusive evidence that the property has been released, or that the lien has been subordinated.

      (Added to NRS by 1999, 154)

      NRS 481.083  Money for administration of chapter; claims.

      1.  Money for the administration of the provisions of this chapter must be provided by direct legislative appropriation from the State Highway Fund or other legislative authorization upon the presentation of budgets in the manner required by law.

      2.  All money provided for the support of the Department and its various divisions must be paid out on claims approved by the Director in the same manner as other claims against the State are paid.

      (Added to NRS by 1957, 612; A 1979, 1119; 1981, 2006; 1983, 1011; 1993, 1641; 1995, 2305; 1999, 2431; 2001, 1832, 2547; 2001 Special Session, 144; 2003, 274, 277)

      NRS 481.087  Administrative expenses deemed cost of administration of operation of motor vehicles on public highways.  The expenses incurred in the administration of this chapter and in the administration of the powers and duties provided in this chapter shall be deemed to be a cost of administration with respect to the operation of motor vehicles upon the public highways of this State.

      (Added to NRS by 1957, 612; A 1993, 1641; 1995, 2306; 2001, 2547)