South Dakota

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The mission of the Rural Business-Cooperative Programs (RBP) is to enhance the quality of life for all rural Americans by providing leadership in building competitive businesses and cooperatives that can prosper in the global trading marketplace.  RBP provides loans, grants and guaranteed loans to accomplish this mission.  As value added agriculture takes its place in regional economies, RBP technical assistance and loan programs continue to provide meaningful support for the private sector.

The Community Facility Program provides loans, grants, and loan guarantees to fund a variety of public improvements, such as centers for healthcare, day care, public safety, and other public facility projects.

Programs provided include the following:

* Rural Business Enterprise Grants (RBEG)

* Rural Business Opportunity Grants (RBOG)

* Rural Economic Development Grant (REDG) Program

* Rural Economic Development Loan Program (REDL)

* Intermediary Relending Program (IRP)

* Business and Industry (B&I) Loan Guarantee Program

* Cooperative Services Program

* Farm Bill Section 9006:  Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Program

    - Section 9006, Simplified Application Energy Efficiency Technical Worksheet

    - Section 9006, Simplified Application Solar Technical Worksheet

    - Section 9006, Simplified Application Biomass Technical Report Worksheet

    - Section 9006, Simplified Application Solar Hot Water Technical Worksheet

    - Section 9006 Simplified Application Small Wind Technical Worksheet

* Value-Added Agricultural Product Market Development Grant (VADG)

* Guaranteed Community Facility Loans

* Community Facility Grants

* Community Facility Loans

* Examples of Essential Community Facilities

To view the Information Fact Sheets related to these programs, simply click any of the above programs that are of interest to you.

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Committed to the future of rural communities.