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saw a terrific talk by David Edery, an author of “Changing the Game: How Video Games are Transforming the Future of Business.”
wonders if one's immune system is weakened by reading a stream of 'got the flu' status updates from friends.
is wrapping up an intense foray into the history of information schools; sorting out conflicting accounts is fun.
is feeling that the CHI 2009 Interaction Beyond the Individual subcommittee doesn't want to hear from him.
retracts recommendation against installing toolbar in browser, he had inferred causality from an unusual coincidence.
dispatched one long-hanging to-do, now for some others that have accumulated.
gave a lecture by phone to invisible, inaudible audience at 6:30 a.m., with remote facilitator quietly advancing slides on request.
is readying for 3 days as single parent, hoping CHI program committee will accept a paper or two of his in exchange for the loan of Gayna.
for $20 saw four major prejudices confronted in Australia and Milk. Glad Sean Penn didn't give up acting.
recommends strongly against letting Java Update install a toolbar -- led to obnoxious deceptive adware attack.
scraped thick ice off the car this morning, but it was a beautiful clear sunny cold day.
got interesting news factoids in a LinkedIn update which per se validated the small investment in time spent on LI -- see note on my Wall.
in new Heathrow Terminal 5, no electricity plugs though they want me here 3 hrs early. Built in anticipation of future long-life batteries?
is rediscovering the challenges of driving to unfamiliar destinations in England, wishes he had achieved Zen acceptance of suffering.
is en route to airport, SIMTech bound.
spent night dealing with leaky pipe -- major house additions shake stuff up, last was earthquake sensor cutting off gas heat and hot water.
is remembering Southern California fires of years past, but would still trade Seattle weather for a little more dry sunshine.
is disconcerted by reading one friend's tweets/updates describing great news interleaved with anothers's describing an ongoing disaster,
after chatting w. Gerhard Fischer about how overloaded we've become noticed that Gerhard among others at CSCW added to his action item list.
is seeing CSCW as a giant doctoral colloquium; grad students are 45% of attendees and maybe 85% of presenters.