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Welcome to the
Public Employees' Benefits Program

PEBP Budget Updates

Frequently Asked Questions

 Master Plan Document Plan Year 2009
Self-funded PPO Medical and Dental Plan


New non-state retiree eligibility rules resulting from Senate Bill 544


Eldercare, Caregiving & LTC Insurance Seminars


CatalystRx Update- Fentanyl Patches

CatalystRx Update- OTC Medication for Children


The PharmaAdvisor can help participants better understand their prescription medications. Information is available on Self-funded PPO Plan drug choices for common conditions, while taking into account cost and lifestyle considerations. With easy-to-use information on more than 11,000 drugs. PharmaAdvisor can help participants:

  • Learn how a drug works

  • Understand the possible side-effects with a drug

  • Find out how a drug interacts with other medications

  • Determine what questions to ask their doctor about a drug


View the PPO Wellness flyer with Preventive Care Guidelines


Our office is located in the Richard H. Bryan Building.

901 South Stewart Street, Suite 1001
Carson City, Nevada 89701

(775) 684-7000 or (800) 326-5496
Fax: (775) 684-7028 or (775) 684-7036



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