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This website contains information designed to help individuals, companies, and governmental entities comply with environmental laws and regulations contained in the Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) and the Nevada Administrative Code (NAC). Our mission is to preserve and enhance the environment of the state in order to protect public health, sustain healthy ecosystems, and contribute to a vibrant economy.

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January 2009 — Lower Truckee River Bioassessment Symposium: A 2-Day Symposium January 5 & 6 at the Desert Research Institute in Reno [2215 Raggio Pkwy] — pre-registration by December 19 is required
Download Flyer

October / November 2008 — NDEP PCE [Perchloroethylene] Website: NDEP's PCE Website presents information about programs and initiatives being implemented to address management, education and remediation of PCE contamination in Nevada. PCE or Perchloroethylene (also known as Tetrachloroethylene, Tetrachloroethene, PERC or PCE) is a synthetic chemical that is widely used for dry cleaning of fabrics and for metal-degreasing operations. The website also contains specific information about the Maryland Square site in Las Vegas.

July 2008 — E-Payment System Now Required: As of July 1st 2008, payments to the State for $10,000 or more must be made electronically (NRS 353.1467). To accommodate this requirement, NDEP has established an e-payment system that allows users to submit e-checks for fee payments or other payments to the Division. Please access our secure E-payment website here.

May, 2008 — Handling & Recycling Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs: This webpage contains information designed to help individuals, companies, and municipalities understand the unique complexities associated with compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFL) in the environment — Learn all about it today!

Nevada Division of Environmental Protection
901 South Stewart Street, Suite 4001
Carson City, Nevada 89701–5249
NDEP Location Map
(775) 687–4670    FAX 687–5856

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