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I love it when City Room readers build Web stuff like this.
@MediaTricks Anyway, Robert, thanks for the food for thought. I see the debate has taken off. I blogged a bit more:
@tynansanger Wow, and the whole blog reads like that, too. http://www.whatisgoingonblo...
@MediaTricks Hm. It's not just media. There are power Twitter users who get personal but follow few people themselves. It's not that social.
@MediaTricks Will do. I have posted a longer comment on your post, because Twitter is simply not a useful tool for an extended chat.
@MediaTricks Really? Then why do 14,000-plus people follow CNN and NYT rss feeds? They're getting something out of it.
@MediaTricks I follow both RSS and people on Twitter. I find it useful to have them in the same place. No need for rules; market decides.
Has this happened to you? Stranger IMs hey. You say, who's that? Stranger: I didn't IM you. This happens on AIM a lot. What's going on, why?
@MediaTricks What's the argument against using Twitterfeed?
New School not happy with Bob Kerrey.
@davewiner Two days ago it was freezing. Enjoy.
Yes, that's right, a Cheese & Antiques Store. Location for "You've Got Mail" flick. Closing.
"I, Barack Hussein Obama, swear to uphold... " Obama to use full name in oath.
Among the top 10 NY searches on Google: Walter Gropius and Large Hadron Collider. Weird, NY.
Here's my current feed solution. Twitter, Flickr, Digg, Google Reader, Facebook, blog etc. feeding Friendfeed.
@SecondAveSagas Yeah, it sounded off-base to me. I think these tech celebs with thousands of followers have a distorted view of Twitter etc
@sarahw Oh yeah, and $104 for a 30-day MetroCard.
Say goodbye to the famous ramp down into ground zero. Not needed anymore
Get ready to pay $2.50 a ride in NYC subway.
@enkerli I've never had an antivirus program do anything useful on a PC or a Mac. Don't click/download from strangers. All you need to know.


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