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Bicentennial Conference  on 
	Bibliographic Control for the New Millenium: Confronting the Challenges of Networked 
	Resources and the Web
sponsored by the Library of Congress Cataloging Directorate

Guidelines for Topical Discussion Group Recorders

Recorders are assigned to take notes at the 11 Conference topical discussion groups. The topical discussion groups are for the purpose of identifying recommendations by the speakers and commentators in their presentations and for developing recommended actions and an overall action plan for discussion and approval by the Conference in its concluding plenary session.

Each topical discussion group is made up of approximately 13 participants, who are assigned a specific topic related to the presentations that serves as the focal point for discussion and proposed actions. In addition to the recorder, each topical discussion group will also have a facilitator to lead the discussion. All topical discussion groups are scheduled to meet in the afternoon of Day 2 and conclude their assignments in the morning of Day 3 of the conference.

Following are guidelines for use in your role as a recorder. The Conference Organizing Team wishes to thank you for agreeing to this assignment and for your contribution to the overall success of the conference.

First meeting:

At this meeting, participants in the topical discussion group will spend the time brainstorming their assigned topic by informally sharing their thoughts and ideas. They are also asked to identify any suggestions and recommendations that the speakers, commentators and conferees may have offered throughout the plenary sessions. The facilitator will lead the discussion, starting with introductions followed by a review of the handout for the topic, which will be available for you in advance of the conference.

A) Record brainstorm ideas on the flipcharts as they are presented. Do not be concerned about putting them in any particular order.

B) Ask participants to clarify points, if needed. Plan to review points with the group as requested.

C) At close of the meeting, do a final review with the facilitator to make sure all points have been recorded.

Second meeting:

Following up on the first meeting, the topical discussion group will review the discussion points made and formulate recommended actions and an overall action plan for presentation to the Conference in its closing session. There is a limit of 4-6 recommended actions, which must be listed in priority order from the most important to the least.

A) Plan to order discussion points as needed; record recommended actions and prioritize them per the groups's decision.

B) Make any changes and review finalized list with the group.

C) Input finalized list to NotePad Editor and be prepared to deliver disk to Judy Mansfield in the Mumford Room between 10:15 and 10:30 am.

Library of Congress
October 30, 2000
Library of Congress Help Desk