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Bicentennial Conference  on 
	Bibliographic Control for the New Millenium: Confronting the Challenges of Networked 
	Resources and the Web
sponsored by the Library of Congress Cataloging Directorate

Topical Discussion Group Recommendations

The Library of Congress Bicentennial Conference on Bibliographic Control for the New Millennium was both provocative and extremely productive. The conference, held on Nov. 15-17, 2000, featured eleven breakout sessions, or Topical Discussion Groups, that addressed major challenges facing catalogers and their allies in the vendor and publisher communities. Each Topical Discussion Group (TDG) presented a set of recommendations to the final plenary session of the Conference, and the recommendations were later circulated for additional input from all Conference participants. The summaries of the TDGs' work, revised to take the Conference participants' comments into account, are now available for all members of the library and information communities to read.

You can view the recommendations in PDF format by clicking on the names of the Topical Discussion Groups below:

1. Choosing Electronic Resources: What Is a Valuable Web Resource?
2. What Are The Continuing Education Needs of Professional Catalogers?
What Near-Term Cooperative Partnerships Should Libraries Explore in the Digital World?
3b. What Long-Term Cooperative Partnerships Should Libraries Explore in the Digital World?
4a. Multiple Versions (Originally titled How Can AACR2 Become More Responsive to Cataloging Networked Resources on the Web in the Near-Term?)
4b. How Can AACR2 Become More Responsive to Cataloging Networked Resources on the Web?
5. What Can the Library Community Offer in Support of Semantic Interoperability?
6. What Automated Tools Could Assist Libraries to Meet the Information Needs of Their Users?
7. What Steps Can The Library Take to Achieve Integrated Access to the Catalog and Other Discovery Tools?
8. How Can Libraries Participate More Actively in the Development of Metadata Standards?
9. How Can Catalogers and Metadata Providers Ensure that Resource Descriptions Meet Reference Needs?

The Library welcomes comments on the TDG recommendations from interested readers at any time. Please email comments to John Byrum, chair of the Conference Organizing Team, at Library management and staff are now developing a plan for addressing the many recommendations, in order to determine which are feasible to adopt in the short and long terms. Some of the recommendations would require the Library to seek additional funding or other resources in order to implement them, and some recommendations are in conflict with each other. The Library cannot guarantee that all the recommendations will be carried out, but it does assure all readers of the Conference Web site that their comments will be considered, as plans evolve.

– Beacher Wiggins, Director for Cataloging, Library of Congress

Library of Congress
January 04, 2001
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