Musical Crib Mobile Recalled by Woodcrafter Kits


U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission

Office of Information and Public Affairs Washington, DC 20207

June 4, 1987  
Release # 87-033


WASHINGTON, DC -- In cooperation with the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, Woodcrafter Kits, Inc., Yarmouth, Maine, today announced a voluntary recall of Model LP-205 Musical Mobiles due to excessive lead in the paint on this toy. The red paint on the clear plastic rings of the toy contains approximately 8% lead. This paint flakes off easily, posing a lead poisoning hazard to children. Current CPSC regulations permit no more than 0.06% lead in paint.

Neither CPSC nor Woodcrafter know of any lead poisoning incidents associated with this toy. The firm received a single complaint regarding flaking paint, and its investigation revealed that the paint contained excessive lead.

This recall involves only the model LP-205 Musical Mobile Toy, which is designed to be attached to a crib rod and which features two smiling satellites slowly orbiting over the child as music plays. Other toys in the Little Playmates series and Musical Mobiles with rings in colors other than a combination of clear and red are not involved.

A total of 364 units were manufactured and distributed nationwide. All but 107 toys have been located by Woodcrafter. The toys sold at retail for $20.00.

Consumers owning the recalled units should immediately take them from their children's reach and return them to the store where purchased for a complete refund or exchange. They may also return the toy to Woodcrafter Kits, Inc., 42A North Elm Street, Yarmouth, Maine 04096 for a refund of $20.00, plus postage.

For further information, consumers may call CPSC's toll-free hotline number 800-638-CPSC. A teletypewriter number for the hearing impaired is 800-638-8270.