Toy Cork Gun Recalled by Eagle Family Discount Stores


U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission

Office of Information and Public Affairs Washington, DC 20207

February 5, 1979  
Release # 79-007

Toy Cork Gun Recalled

WASHINGTON, D.C. (Feb. 5) -- Eagle Family Discount Stores, Inc., Opa Locka, Fla., in cooperation with the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), today warned consumers that about 5,844 double-barreled toy cork shotguns sold in their stores during the 1976 and 1977 Christmas seasons may present a hazard of eye injury to a young child.

Consumers who have bought one of these toys should not let their children play with it, and should return it to their nearest Eagle Family Discount Store for a full refund.

CPSC believes that serious eye injury could occur if a child abuses the toy by removing the muzzle end of the gun barrel, exposing the ends of two metal rods covered with plastic plunger caps. These caps can be removed by a force of three or four pounds, leaving the ends of the metal rods completely exposed. If the toy gun is cocked and discharged, the exposed ends of the metal rods could then be propelled forward into a child's face or eyes.

The double-barreled toy cork shotgun retailed for about $1.27 in Eagle Family Discount Stores located in Florida and in a few stores in Alabama and Georgia, according to Eagle.

The words, "Gun Fighter," appear in silver on each side of the toy gun. The stock is colored brown, the gun barrels are black and the cocking lever is chrome-colored plastic.

The toy gun was made in Hong Kong or Taiwan, according to Eagle, and was identified as product no. 97-S-510,, which appears on the toy gun's package.

To date, CPSC is aware of one incident of eye injury occurring when a three and one-half year-old boy apparently shot the toy gun into his eyes and was struck by the unprotected metal rod. Although the injury occurred to a three and one-half year old, the product's package contains, according to Eagle, a cautionary statement that the toy shotgun is not recommended for children under five years of age.

To verify the product number, consumers can call the toll-free CPSC Hotline on 800/638-2772.