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@twhirl Getting an error with upgrade on Ubuntu: "This application requires a version of Adobe AIR which is no longer supported." Any ideas?
off to bath the baby
clearing out old wordpress backups
getting closer to being able to stream my media from a share on my viglen mpc-l to my netgear eva 8000
@jphaynes1966 for a teacher, its amazing where-ever you are. Very worrying
RT @pedrorq:RT @themadcatlady: OMG, that email is just sooo much bullshit - "Linux - Stop holding our kids back" -
@shartlen I just got a note warning that if I wanted to save my learning plan....
now with daughter #1 who is enjoying Paint and a trackpad! :-)
@scastledine now imagine that! I'm sure customs would love the idea!
@pedrorq thanks for the links, will check them out. Often have amazon send pressies direct to family in the UK, which is often free delivery
@mattwhite @guywakely I appreciate that its only good news for those of us in euroland used to having to pay more for stuff in £'s
the pound at 1.14€ means this will be a good Christmas to be shopping on Amazon UK!
@andypiper LOL! and I'm drooling, you can't get a good crumpet over here in Spain! ;-)
@DougieLawson @chrisgric *should* without a doubt, go on try it! and if you're feeling adventurous, a dash of tabasco! ;-)
RT @ccrowson: I'd like to ask my co-workers to join me in a moment of silence for our recently departed internal system, GIDP. Farewell, ......
@DougieLawson have to disagree, crumpets can most definitely come with a slice of tomatoe and melted cheese on top!
@TomRaftery with a title like that, here in Spain @dominiccampbell would have a job for many a lifetime!
@vsmith1 nice! brings back memories! my Nan lived not far away on Ulleswater Rd if memory serves me correctly
@TomRaftery "If there is anything Spain has lots of, it is govt" >> that was beautifully understated!!


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