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Landed in LA and already thinking my laptop bag looks drab and dirty and my coat looks worn and unhip. Sigh. Hate this place.
Two diet dr peppers, bag of doritos, bag of gummy fruit. I hate long meetings where snacking is the only way to survive.
@rodnaber If you don't pull off that Halloween costume in 2009, you are officially totally lame.
Winnowed work email from 10 pages to 1. Am not naive enough to believe I'm prepared for Monday morning. Frankly, I'm scared.
Welcome home. Here's some crappy traffic.
San Diego as expected. Sunny. Balmy. So far: food, booze, fish tacos at the beach, mani-pedi. Next: the zoo.
The only one who didn't eat dim sum; settling for a cheesesteak to hold me over until #2.
pretty sure back-to-back Thanksgivings are a bad idea. But making a chocolate chip pecan pie anyway.
@liviacolare taking a few days in san diego, and then catching up on household projects.
Three days on before 11 days off. Three days on before 11 days off. Three days on before 11 days off. Three days off before 11 days off.
Thinks you should be at the DNA Lounge right now for Hubba Hubba Revue.
Tony and Marilyn on Tuesday, burlesque and rocking on Wednesday, gigantic freaking coffee on Thursday and it's still probably not enough.
Tonight! Annie's Social Club. Barbary Coast Burlesque, Live Evil. And your $8+ goes to a good cause. I'll be trashy times two.
At Castro Theater for screening of Some Like It Hot plus Q&A with Tony Curtis. Hoping to turn this day around.
Laptop with IT and the morning is dragging. Cereal + pear = starving before noon.
Terrible bridge traffic, but as Mary J says, don't need no hateration.
82 degrees in mid-November. Lovely, but never stops being confusing to a Midwesterner.
sadly not even cautiously optimistic about her sore throat. won't pretend this one is from talking too much. hate my immune system.
the future of interactive TV: voting/polling, information requests, t-commerce, telescoping. Sounds lame. #newteeveelive
Three minutes until I'm officially calling it a day. The end can't come soon enough.


Rod Begbie Kaliel Roberts Tantek Çelik Giovanni shana Ben Clemens regina gelfo Marco Zamperini Andrew Fitzgerald Chloe Sladden Jamie amy Livia Iacolare dan levine Brad Z Mario Anima Patience Elfving VirginAmerica robin sloan current Melody McCloskey drst Rod Naber drhorrible Jaime Lauren Cerre SFBART