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@kletos Do you know much re psychopaths (if that's still the correct term)? If so, you may find @Pixelation's new tweet-theme of interest.
@Pixelation Hmm. Sounds either interesting or... borderline psychopathic. Do other ppl appear two-dimensional, slightly unreal to you? ;-)
@stephenfry No-o-o-o-o! Don't throw it out of the window! Give it to one of your followers! Have a contest or something. Or just give to me.
"God does not require that anyone should be able to say when the sun first shone on his soul. It is enough that it shines." - Bo Giertz
Reading a pamphlet by Bo Giertz which our church is distributing to its members. Thought-provoking, but I wonder what ppl will make of it.
Flickred: photo set of the boys' trip to see Father Christmas.
Silver lining? This dioxin scare gives us an excuse to obtain a refund on those rank Tesco sausages.
RT @Pixelation I have discovered a truly marvellous proof of Fermat's last theorem, which this tweet is too narrow to contain. Our house following the great switch-on. Most houses in the street have same lighting scheme: works v well.
Have had three /large/ mulled wines (equiv to Sbux "tall"). Am a bit p---ed. You forget that mulled wine is still, fundamentally, wine.
Assembling with neighbours for grand Christmas lights switch-on.
Only paying passenger on this train. Feel slightly pathetic.
Boys were faffing about getting on to mini train back to car. Train filled up leaving me having to wait on own for next one. Mood: grumpy.
Boys have seen Santa. T7 wisely taking the Richard Dawkins approach: unbelief no bar to singing along when the occasion demands it.
At Swanley Park. So cold, boating lake is frozen over. M4: "Can I have an ice-cream?"
iPod search function finally proves useful: looking for child-friendly Christmas music, found Colin Buchanan's "King of Christmas". Result.
Off to Swanley Park w/ the boys to see Father Christmas. Hoping it's not some kind of Lapland New Forest-type set-up.
RT @ninjamoeba Google reader cheat code: up up down down left right left right b a
@ninjamoeba Ha! Love the G.Reader cheat code. Um, how do I make it go away now...? Ah, just do same thing again. kthx
Swapping my G.Reader (work) and Bloglines (non-work) subs, as Bloglines' mobile interface = t3h suck. Outbound links don't work: #FAIL