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I refuse to believe that I used to find Jack Black funny.
officially done Christmas shopping. And I officially rock.
how did I get a bruise on my middle toe? It hurts like a bitch.
@solarpowerspork come on, what can be wrong with a loaf made of pork scraps? mmmm, pork scraps
the end of the world is near - my mother just added me as a friend on facebook
stuffing, cranberry sauce, fruit salad and pie done - I rock! (ONLY turkey, mashed potatoes, green beans and homemade rolls to go)
Am I the only one who thinks Coldplay is the most boring band on the planet?
happiness is: enough lo mein left over for tomorrow's breakfast
@TXPoppet thanks, it's not a real job, just being some guy's assistant, but tax-free $ is tax-free $
apparently, after 2 years, I have once again become employed - go, me
@minnemom actually, the fam is not together at the holidays - no one would know unless they compared notes...
got assigned myself in the family x-mas gift exchange - do I tell? Or just get myself something fab?
It's November, I should not have to use the a/c in my car or house - stupid Texas
I <3 Sons of Anarchy so hard. yay for hot dirtbag bikers
does the "Saw" franchise really need another installment? Really? Hollywood is officially out of new ideas.
why do I have a Guns N Roses song stuck in my head? Is it 1988?
@Alexandrialeigh go to bed, sleepy editing is no editing at all
week and a half of no shampoo and I really don't think the dirty-hippy thing is for me
I am officially OVER hurricane season. Done.
why am I watching the VMAs? Russell Brand is giving me a headache


JimJeroo Lisa Usedtobeme Adrienne Canzolino J Cleveland Payne Le Petit Boutique Jennifer Love Stacey Brad Finn Wildflower NYC Watchdog Belinda Adam Snider Karen heather hamilton Karen Amanda Carey TXPoppet Kathy R. Jeffords ficklevillain Adena Bailey Sarcomical soapgirl filmgoerjuan Christian Heinke Carrie BetsyYates Alexandrialeigh Leanne Wildermuth MayaRulz amcmoore Filthy Farmgirl charliesue Gennie Hil'Lesha Lisa Kelly