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@jeffreyjones thanks! It's fun times in Canada. A change in government seems looks to be in the offing.
@catoinstitute I can't follow the link to your new youtube channel
Get the latest news on Stephen Harper and the Dion-Layton-Duceppe coalition @westernstandard CANADA's libertarian/conservative news outlet.
Americans, awake from your tryptophan hazes, and check out @westernstandard the libertarian/conservative news outlet of record in CANADA
I don't care who, I just love to see politicians scared and scrambling. The situatio in Ottawa is almost as entertaining as the bailout vote
@kerawall is he trying to look like a Bolshevik? Y Maltsev would approve, mass murder has never been so hilarious:
Happy Reason's Harvest!
Spent all of yesterday in BC Place with 25,000 Ismailis receiving the Aga Khan in Vancouver and all of today recovering. Back to Calgary...
Sick as a dog. Why does the "common cold" have such a dismissive name?
@daveweigel Wikipedia calls Bachmann hideous, so it must be true.
After a bit of testing, seems like an incredible contacts solution. Two tentative thumbs up.
back in Calgary, after a quick tour of Toronto and Montreal-checking out a possible solution for gmail-iphone-mac syncing
The Shotgun's newest blogger, a Muslim paleocon libertarian is up for a blogging scholarship. Plz vote for Omar:
#election08 John Frary, the most curmudgeonly conservative candidate:
@thewaterman Congrats, your 200 followers translates to 115,799 2nd order followers according to
three cheers for the gov't police! they think they've got the crooks who broke into my house. I'm heading down to the station.
I'm 21, happy birthday to me!
My house was broken into last night. I feel sick in my stomach. Maybe watching Dan Larison vs. Eli Lake bloggingheads will cheer me up.
#canadavotes Lowest voter turnout ever? Not to worry. Maybe people are realizing that politicians are not our masters. I'll live my own life
liveblogging the Canadian election results:


Mark Frauenfelder Ron Paul seyitbek Talley Jason Kottke kady o'malley Stephen W. Carson Bureaucrash Will Wilkinson Declan Justine Lam Josh Rubin Joseph Lavoie tylercowen hashtags MarkGiles Michael B Dougherty lewrockwell zefrank KN@PPSTER davidakin Mises Institute daveweigel NSKinsella Manuel Lora Kerry Wall reihansalam Bob Barr 2008 ToddEpp Brad Spangler Dick Armey recruitingblogs J.P. Freire Daniel J. D'Amico Daniel McCarthy The Movement