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Guess what? ATT is now offering insurance all pdas again - except iPhone and has for 3 months -
@TimBrownson hey Tim - what are you looking for in a marketing expert? thanks Jan
Who is the hottest web designer? In your opinion and not someone who can just put blocks of content on the page
blogging - most think it is not a conversation and a way to build a relationship - they believe it is just a way to make money - interesting
Indymike - strang activity - I invited 50 people from my own personal contacts and they suspended my account - so I guess breathing counts?
Did you know Oliver Pollock designed the dollar sign in 1788? cool eh?
costco's revenues fell - is Wal-mart up?-let's ensure that Costco stays competitive &nTarget Super Stores - cheaper than walmart better too
guykawasaki - Vinton Cerf Twitter account suspended? seriously - that would be terrible - very nice man
emily chang - I totally agree with you about the video auto play - it drives me crazy
Good evening everyone -busy day - hope your day went well!
So are you still buying bottle water?
Good morning - running late today -
incslinger - if the economy is hurting the best of marketers - then all companies will die - I say the PR is hurting more
hey Ryan Smoot - how is OJ doing?
@guykawaski - people into videos? LOL wanna be film directors - that is why movies popular and YouTUBE --what have you filmed lately?
@ryansmoot - way cool -thanks for sharng
@raymillr seriously - coyotes in cinncie? Wow - who would figure? My deepeset sympathies for your loss -
@Glenngarnes what do you think about a honda accord coupe, preowned certified probably red or blue or dark gray leather?
Okay - I am buying a honda accord coupe - not sure the color - the pre-owned certified have a better warranty than the new ones??????