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@amoylan I think Norm Singleton would agree with you based upon my conversation w/him tonight @reasonmag .
Major turmoil @ Ballston station? Evidently there was some sort of fire.
Leaving the @ReasonMag shindig a tad late but well worth it. Grabing the laptop @the office & back to Arl I go.
Listening to @daveweigel talk about the Ron Paul/Bloomberg ticket & now @ discussing
Ok so I'm still having a great time @ the big hunt w/@davidall @lenejohansen @coach_bob @sorendayton @joeycoon et al
Time to go hang out with my fellow Reasonoids. HAPPY 40TH @ReasonMag! Free Markets & Free Minds FTW!! Join us @
@almacy So you were waiting since 9AM, but hey you had EHealth records! This is not a compromise I am willing to settle for.
@normative and yet you link to neither post in your tweet :P
@RightMichigan Possibly bodily buyers remorse. If only governments had tummy trouble over spend-to-much. #pork
@markdkelly2 Sending that link around to some folks; thanks for tweeting it.
@mkhammer The worst part is that this was induced by eating too much spinach. V. weird.
Gingerale, an upset stomach's best friend. Tonight will be a very early night.
@k8michael Ack! Being crazy swamped with email is so not fun. :S
@thomasjkeeley Obviously, Flake is the man.
W/the State Policy Network CEOs in town & a Reason Magazine HH tonight, I see a lot of good things happening this evening.
My brain woke me up: Project thought- hyper local, duh, of course, GENIUS! (AHHH! EXACTLY!)
Mercatus dinner- fabulous so far and the Capitol Steps are up now :) Obamamia!
Holiday dinner @ the Four Seasons :)
@Katiechurchey, @davidall, and @jmansour brought me back some General Tsao's Chicken. Mmm.


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